Devotion for Sunday, July 21, 2024

“These twelve Jesus sent out with the following instructions: “Go nowhere among the Gentiles, and enter no town of the Samaritans, but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel” (Matthew 10:5-6).

Jesus needed to teach them how to reach out before the Holy Spirit would lead them out into the world. First, learn how to love those in your community, then learn how to love the stranger. First look for those who are looking, then go into all the world. Jesus teaches us to be focused on the direction He gives. You are not in charge, He is. Learn to follow the Lord in all His ways.

Everything You do has purpose, Lord. Help me to overcome my self-direction and follow Your leading. You will remove my self-interest as You lead me forward. You will guide me to walk humbly with You always. You will strip down the barriers to my submission and teach me that You have come to save all who believe. Lead me through my faith to come to the place where I serve all others by serving You.

Lord Jesus, You began with the House of Israel, but Your redeeming grace reaches out to all who will come to You. Guide me in Your goodness, Lord, so that I too will go where You send me. The Lord’s sheep are everywhere. By Your Spirit, help me to connect with those with whom You will connect me and help me to speak Your words of comfort to them. Send me where You know I need to go. Amen.