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“Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore ask the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest” (Matthew 9:37-38).

When you ask, He may well choose you to go into the field.  In our heathen world, which believes itself filled with specialists, we tend to think Jesus will send someone else.  You have been called to labor in the vineyard of Christ.  The need is great, for many need what you know.  Share with others what has been shared with you.

Lord, do I need to go for special schooling to be able to share the Good News?  But whom amongst the Apostles went to a special school run by teachers of the Law?  They simply followed You and You made them fishers of men.  How difficult I make these things when it is really a matter of living the life You have given me and doing so publicly.  Guide me, Lord, to humbly walk with You and obey all Your commandments. Maybe I can show others the way.

Holy Spirit, I like to think of myself as alone and singular, but You have placed in my heart a right spirit which loves my neighbor.  Empower me to be bold in the faith You have given me.  You have called me and are sending me into a world, damned by sin, to hear the redeeming message of love poured out from the cross.  Send me into this day with the only message of hope – the hope of Christ.  Amen.

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