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“When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd” (Matthew 9:36).  

Because they were harassed and helpless, Jesus compassionately helped the crowds.  You and I are in the same crowd.  Are we arrogant and judgmental, or do we realize that we are helpless?  This describes the two groups of people in this world. We are one or the other.  Either we come to Jesus and tell Him what we think, or else we come to Jesus and look to Him to do what is needed.  Sometimes we are both.

Lord, help me to come to You just as I am.  I am a bundle of self-centered nerves.  I have all the foibles which I have.  You alone know what it takes to guide me out of the rebellious mess within me to transform me into a child of God that You create by grace through faith.  I want to follow You, Jesus, but so many things get in the way.  Lead me through the messiness of my life to always look to You for guidance and help.

Lord Jesus, You have come to heal those who look to You from the terminal disease of rebellion against God.  You, Trinity alone, are God.  You have come that we may have life and have it abundantly.  Help me to understand that You are Lord, and that I must follow You alone.  Open my heart to receive Your heavenly instruction so that I may humbly walk with You all the days of my life.  May I no longer be harassed but realize that I am simply Your disciple, knowing that the wicked one hates that and will be like a mosquito on a warm summer day.  Help me endure to the end.  Amen.

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