Devotion for Tuesday, July 16, 2024

“Then Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and proclaiming the good news of the kingdom, and curing every disease and every sickness” (Matthew 9:35).

Jesus turns His back on the liars and goes about the business of the Father.  We too are called to turn our backs on wickedness and go about the Father’s business.  We are to continue in the life that we have been given by grace so that we follow Jesus in all His ways.  The Lord knows what He has in mind for you.  He will lead you for all your days if you put your trust in Him.  Do not follow the voices of hatred and lies, but the voice of Truth.

Lord, I hear these words and it is not easy, for the liars of this world make me angry.  Lead me from anger, for I cannot handle it, to the place where I look to You for all things.  You know what needs to happen and You know the difficulties I will face.  Lead me through all difficulties so that I would learn from Your example how to live this life.  In You alone is all hope and eternity.

Holy Spirit, grant me awareness to know that there is nothing I can do about others except to show truthfulness by my example.  I too seldom keep a reign on my own tongue.  Help me to be a dutiful servant who does what You have commanded.  Lead me through all circumstances to go out into the world seeking to bring the healing that only grace can bring.  Guide me to be faithful to all that You have commanded.  Amen.