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John 6:1-21 


Props: A basket with five loaves of bread and two fish. You can use real bread and two real fish (you can get fish filets wrapped up), or you can use paper or plastic versions of the real thing. Use what you have and what is easiest for you. You will need a plastic bag and with ¾ cup of rice in it (that’s about 5,000 grains). You will also need a pack of goldfish for each child. Optional coloring page to print, one for each child: Click here. 

These props are suggestions. Feel free to modify as you see fit or to suit your needs as a congregation. If you include all of these items for your children’s sermon, store in one large basket. A picnic basket with a lid would be perfect, as you can reveal a few items at a time. 

Pastor: Good morning boys and girls! Welcome! Let’s say good morning to our friend Sammy and see if she is there. Ready? One, two, three: Good morning, Sammy! 

Sammy: Good morning, everyone! What’s in the basket, Pastor?  

Pastor: This basket contains something very special, Sammy.  

Sammy: I love special things. What is it? Tell me! Tell me!  

Pastor: [Opens the basket and shows everyone the items.] I have five loaves of bread and two fish.  

Sammy: Ooooo!  

Pastor: Boys and girls, why do you think I have five loaves of bread and two fish with me today?  

[Allow time for responses]  

Sammy: These answers are all excellent. Jesus talks about how a boy in a large crowd had five loaves and two fish.  

Pastor: Yes! Five thousand people gathered to see Jesus. And they witnessed a miracle: Jesus used these five loaves and two fish to feed all five thousand of them.   

Sammy: Is five thousand more people than we have in our church?  

Pastor: Yes—five thousand is more people than we have for worship today.

 Sammy: How many more?  

Pastor: I have a bag of rice here to show everyone. This bag contains about five thousand grains of rice. Each grain of rice is like a person that Jesus fed. [Show the rice—may let children pass around.] 

 Sammy: But Pastor, I don’t think those two little fish and those five loaves of bread are going to even feed all of the people here today in church. How could they possibly feed five thousand people? 

 Pastor: Jesus can do all things. He is God. He takes the little we give him in faith and he multiples what we give for the glory of God. All we have to do is believe in him and trust him. 

 Sammy: I think sometimes trusting in God is hard, especially when you are hungry. 

 Pastor: Yes, Sammy. Eating is one of our most basic needs, but look at how Jesus provides for us.  

 Sammy: Amen! Let’s pray. Can everyone fold their hands and bow their heads please? Dear Jesus, Thank you for miracles. Thank you for the food we eat each day. Thank you for five loaves, and two fish. Amen. 

 Pastor: Before you go, I have a treat to remind you of Jesus feeding the five thousand. [Give everyone a pack of goldfish.] 

 Sammy: I love snacks! Bye, everyone! 

 Pastor: Bye, Sammy! 

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