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“Then he touched their eyes and said, “According to your faith let it be done to you.”  And their eyes were opened. Then Jesus sternly ordered them, “See that no one knows of this.”  But they went away and spread the news about him throughout that district” (Matthew 9:29-31). 

Jesus does heal.  There are times to tell others and times to remain silent.  If we would only obey the Lord.  He asked that they remain silent.  What if we simply did what Jesus said?  How much trouble did they cause by broadcasting this news.  “Yes, but shouldn’t people know?”  Whatever the Lord tells us, there is a reason.  To obey is better than sacrifice.  Do you listen to the Lord and do as He asks? 

Lord, You know I have been guilty of disobeying what You have commanded.  I think it a good thing – and who cannot think that healing is not a good thing – but I also know that what You command is for a good reason.  Remove me from the desire to be the judge of what is good or evil and bring me to where I live knowing that You are the Lord of all.  Open my ears to hear Your stern commands. 

Forgive me, Lord Jesus, for the times where I have opened my mouth where You have commanded silence.  Lead me away from the place where I do what I think is right in my own mind so that I learn to obey You in all things.  Keep me in Your goodness and mercy to live into the life which You have given me by Your costly grace.  Thank You for healing me.  Guide my mouth to speak only what You would have me speak.  Amen.

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