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“When he entered the house, the blind men came to him; and Jesus said to them, “Do you believe that I am able to do this?” They said to him, “Yes, Lord” (Matthew 9:28). 

Do you believe that the Lord is able to do these things?  Do you believe in the Lord God Almighty.  Many say they do, but it is with their own view of things and not with the reality of who God is.  Do not create in your mind a God you want, but receive through the Word the God Who IS.  Let yourself be led by your Creator to walk humbly in the way of life that He has established. 

Lord God, Creator of all things, guide my heart, soul, and mind to seek You above all things.  Lord, help my unbelief.  You, Who created all things, will do what is right and fitting according to Your will.  Where my will conflicts with Yours, renew my mind to see things through Your Word.  In all things, may I learn to be content and take joy in the truth that You are with me. 

Minister to my heart, Holy Spirit.  You know where I do not believe.  You know where I am conflicted with the Father’s will.  Through all that this life will bring, lead me into the way of life that is right and in harmony with Your Word.  Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heat reflect Your leading each day that You grant me in this age.  Do not grant me lenses through which to see, but vision to see clearly, I pray.  Amen. 

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