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“As Jesus went on from there, two blind men followed him, crying loudly, “Have mercy on us, Son of David!” (Matthew 9:27) 

Have mercy upon us Lord.  How quickly that one sentence can change our attitude.  Mercy is not getting what you deserve.  Born blind?  It is what it is because of sin in the world.  It may not be yours, or even traceable, but sin is in the world and it wreaks havoc on us all.  By God’s mercy we receive grace which, with mercy, brings us to a new place.  Sometimes the Lord will not grant you mercy, but He will give you the grace you need for every circumstance. 

Lord, I was born half-blind, for I saw myself and those around me, but I did not see You.  I still have many, many blind spots and I do not yet see You clearly.  Guide me in this life of faith which You have given me to see more clearly each day.  You are the One who can do all things.  I pray to see You more clearly in all that I say and do.  Not in arrogance, but in humble obedience, lead me in Your creation. 

Son of David, Savior, King of kings, and Lord of lords, have mercy on me.  I am half-blind, and I want to see clearly.  Open my eyes and let me see what You will let me see.  Guide me in the vision You give me that, in humility, all that You show me will be in accordance with the Father’s will.  Help me humbly bend the knee to You, the author of my faith, and follow You whether You grant the mercy I seek, or not.  Amen.

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