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“But when the crowd had been put outside, he went in and took her by the hand, and the girl got up.  And the report of this spread throughout that district” (Matthew 9:25-26).

The One through whom all things have their being will one day take our hand, perhaps by then nothing but dust, and raise us up to be with Him.  He who created the dust will have no problem completing us in Him.  But never think that the Lord has any obligation to do anything other than what He will do.  In prayer, we ask, by faith that He will do what the Father knows needs to be done.

Lord, I sometimes look to You as some cosmic Santa Claus to give me what I want.  I am saddened by the sin in this world, and I want the fix I want.  But You are God and You know all that needs to happen.  Take my eyes off myself and help me to see that it is in love that You are doing these things.  Of course, You can make life where there is nothing.  Help me to focus upon what You would have me do.

Lord Jesus, who raises the dead, raise up new life in me.  Guide me in Your goodness and mercy to go into this world in which I live and share the Good News of You, spreading throughout my district the truth that You are the way, truth, and life.  Lead me in Your goodness to simply follow You and do what the Holy Spirit gives me to do.  May I not just be a part of the crowd, but one who truly follows where You lead.  Amen.

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