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“Jesus turned, and seeing her he said, “Take heart, daughter; your faith has made you well.” And instantly the woman was made well.

What is faith?  Mostly, it is simply trusting that the Lord is Lord and will do what He will do.  Of course, the One through whom all things have their being is able to do whatever He wills.  Do you trust that?  The Lord has a reason for the timing of all things.  He will lead as He leads.  He will guide as He guides.  Take a passenger seat and see that the Lord is the one who is driving the bus.

Lord, I often want You as the co-pilot, and not the One in charge.  That is all wrong.  You know what needs to happen and I do not.  I do not know how my actions will affect what You are doing.  Help me to come to the place that no matter what happens, I will trust You above all things.  Continue to lead me and all of the faithful in the way You know we each need to go.  You alone must be the author and finisher of our faith.

Lord Jesus, You have breathed upon those who believe the truth of the ages through Your Spirit.  Lead me this day to know that I am eternally healed in the faith You have given me.  Guide me to humbly trust You, no matter the circumstances, so that I may walk in Your light all the days You give me.  Guide me in Your goodness and mercy to see that You alone are my hope.  Thank You, Jesus, for the faith I have.  Amen.


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