Devotion for Saturday, July 6, 2024

“And Jesus got up and followed him, with his disciples” (Matthew 9:9).

Jesus does what He does regardless of who the person is.  One does not advance in position in the church, for it is simply a matter of becoming increasingly faithful.  Whether one scrubs toilets or leads thousands, all are equally loved by the Lord.  We are His and we belong to Him.  He is God and we are His creation.  We are to get up, go out and walk with Jesus wherever He will take us.  He must lead us all.

You know, Holy Spirit, that in my heart I am often resisting getting up and following where You will lead.  Help me to get over myself and walk where You lead.  You, who has breathed life into my soul, know what is needed.  From the inside out, You know the whole plan and what will come.  Guide me so that I too get up and walk where You lead every moment of each day.

Lord Jesus, much of what You have done and are doing is a mystery to me.  You are God and I am not.  Help me to get over the mystery and in faith just do what You ask me to do.  Lead me now and always to humbly follow You no matter what.  You will work it together for good.  Guide me in the truth of the salvation You have given me, dear Savior Jesus, so that I may willing follow where You lead.  Amen.