Devotion for Friday, July 5, 2024

“While he was saying these things to them, suddenly a leader of the synagogue came in and knelt before him, saying, “My daughter has just died; but come and lay your hand on her, and she will live” (Matthew 9:18).

Do you notice the contrast between leaders who want to criticize Jesus in one moment and then  come to Jesus for help in the next?  This is the way it is.  There are those who will never come to Jesus.  There are those who come in desperation.  There are some who come slowly.  We all need what Jesus has to offer, but sadly, it is often desperation that motivates us.

Lord, I too have made strides when motivated by desperation.  I cannot image that this is the way You prefer to do things, but You love us so much that You will do what is necessary for the sheep to come into Your love.  Of course You can heal, but whether You do or do not won’t change who You are or what You can do.  You are the Lord of all lords, and in Your hands is the future of us all

Lord Jesus, You know where I stubbornly cling to my idea of how things ought to be.  Guide me in the goodness You give to walk humbly in Your presence.  Help me to walk with You each day doing what You would have me do.  Lead me according to the principles You have taught me to trust that You can and will do what is needed.  Lay Your hand upon my day and walk with me in the way of Your healing.  Amen.