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“Then the disciples of John came to him, saying, “Why do we and the Pharisees fast often, but your disciples do not fast?” (Matthew 9:14)

Jesus just said that He wanted mercy.  Fasting is good and important, but it is a sacrifice.  We need to work through the things we hold on to, but we also need to come to the place where we may fast, but none but the Lord knows.  Rather than outward acts for others to see, we are called to act inwardly where the Lord alone sees, and ask for His true healing to go to the core of our being.

When we are with Jesus, we joyfully celebrate and give Him thanks and praise.  When we feel we are far away, we should give up what is keeping us distant from Jesus.  It is not that Jesus is far away, but that we withdraw.  The Lord is always present.  He said He would be.  The turmoil is in our life.  That is why the Lord told us to seek Him first and then the right things can be put into place.  We do what we do for Jesus’ sake.

Lord Jesus, You have come that I may have life and have it abundantly.  Guide me in the goodness of Your mercy so that I may join in and learn how to be merciful to others.  When I need to fast from the things of the world, lead me to fast.  Help me to always be under Your leadership as You guide me day by day to live into the life for which You made the sacrifice to redeem me.  Amen.

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