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“When the Pharisees saw this, they said to his disciples, “Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?”  (Matthew 9:11)

Why does Jesus do what He does?  Jesus is God in the flesh.  Who are we to ask anything?  Jesus showed up as a man, which meant He was hanging out with sinners.  Who are we to say where the line is drawn?  Sinners are sinners, for none are righteous, no, not one.  Thank You, Jesus, for coming and showing up for all of us.  My friends, do not repeat what the Pharisees did.  Jesus has come to hang out with us sinners.

Lord, there are so many in this world who think they are better than others.  We need what only You can do.  We do not invite You; You have come to invite us.  Let me recognize that as the truth of how I should view others.  I do not invite them, You do.  We are all  invited to give up this life of sin and walk with You into the everlasting life where sin has been forever banished.  Lead me, Lord, onto that way.

Lord Jesus, You know where I have been guilty of segregating myself so that I think myself superior.  Guide me in Your goodness to walk humbly with You always in the life You have given me from the cross.  May I now and always humbly follow wherever You lead, doing those things which are pleasing in Your sight.  Thank You, my Savior, for the goodness You have given me.  Amen.

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