Devotion for Saturday, June 29, 2024

“And as he sat at dinner in the house, many tax collectors and sinners came and were sitting with him and his disciples” (Matthew 9:10).

In other words, we earthlings showed up.  So many think of themselves as better than “those people.”  We love to segregate.  But God has created every human in His image.  We are all image bearers.  Whether it’s a sex worker or a socialite, we’re all in need of salvation.  Behavior is one thing and who we are because of sin is an issue we all have.  Of course, Jesus sat down with sinners, otherwise He would have been eating alone.

Father in heaven, why do I want to set myself apart because of another’s occupation, status, origin, or any other difference?  I think I am afraid that this other disdained person is just really like me and I do not want to be like that person.  You have created each one of us to be who we are.  You have put into each of us the gifts You have given us.  Lead me away from judging by my own standards to living by Yours.

Lord Jesus, You came to save us all.  Guide me this day to live the way You would have me live.  Lead me in Your goodness and mercy to know that in You I have hope and a future.  You sat down with us sinners.  This sinner thanks You for being willing to come to my level.  Lift me up to live at Your level.  I am Your servant and I will do as You direct me to do.  Make me one of Your disciples.  Amen.