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“And he stood up and went to his home.  When the crowds saw it, they were filled with awe, and they glorified God, who had given such authority to human beings” (Matthew 9:7-8).

Why is it, in a moment that amazes, that so quickly afterwards we go on to the next thing?  Yes, some of those in the crowd that day probably did follow Jesus, but so many just moved on.  Remember this when you hear, “If only I could see it.”  We want signs.  Jesus is the One through whom all things are made.  What do you need to move from life on your own to living as the author of life designed it to be lived? What more do we need than the sign of the Cross?

Lord, I am guilty of wanting to see things the way I want to see them.  I have exciting moments and then immediately forget about them.  I waver in this world of constant storms.  Turn my heart from being constantly tossed about to realize that You are the One in whom all authority is exercised.  Teach me to have awe for You as I have awe for so many things around me.  Help me learn how to live in Your amazing grace.

Lord Jesus, author of life, lead me in the way life is meant to be lived.  Guide me in Your goodness to know that in You there is hope and a future.  Lead me today so that I may see  things around me and be amazed.  Then help me to look to You and give praise and thanksgiving for the goodness You give all the time.  Help me live so that my life reveals the glory of Your creation and redemption.  Amen.

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