Devotion for Friday, June 21, 2024

“And he said to them, “Go!” So they came out and entered the swine; and suddenly, the whole herd rushed down the steep bank into the sea and perished in the water” (Matthew 8:32).

The demons want life too.  There is something that horrifies even them.  Although we are pestered, led, even directed, by the wickedness of this world, greater still is the One through whom all things have their being.  The Lord of all beckons us to come to Him and no longer be led by the nonsense that comes from wanton sinning.  He Who said, “Go and sin no more,” bids us to live into the life for which we have been created.

Lord, I am often confused, but even in this, I know that you are not the author of confusion.  Lead me away from wanting to wallow in the pig slops of this world.  Guide me to live into the life for which I was created.  Help me in Your goodness and mercy to see that in You alone is all hope.  You have granted us hope through Your promises.  Keep me in that hope to be guided by You always.

Lord Jesus, I need Your help.  I too often want to go to places which will lead to my destruction.  Guide me now and always to look to Your word and to be led by Your promises.  Cast out all doubts and those things which hinder me so that I may be led by You now and forever.  Teach me to humbly walk with You as You lead me in the way You know I need to go.  You are my Savior and You know all that I need.  Lead me today, Lord.  Amen.