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“And when he got into the boat, his disciples followed him.  A windstorm arose on the sea, so great that the boat was being swamped by the waves; but he was asleep” (Matthew 8:23).

Jesus leads us even in the small things.  He leads to places we may not know, but He knows.  Let me ask you a question, “Does Jesus know when you are going to die?”  Of course.  Why then do you fear dying?  You will not change the moment; it is in the Lord’s hands.  Why do you fear anything but the LORD.  Nothing was going to happen to Jesus because it was not His time.

Lord, I do fear, but I know in faith that such fear is irrational.  It is not that I want to be callous or indifferent, but that I often do want to have faith such that I do not have that irrational fear.  I live thinking I have some power to do things, but all power is in Your hands.  Help all to look to You knowing that life and all elements that surround it are in Your hands.  I need help to be bold in faith and not live by the fear which comes from the wicked one.

Heavenly Father, You created all things, and You are my Creator.  I am to fear You above all things.  “All things” means all things.  But I do fear things.  Great storms come in my life and I become uncertain.  Guide me through this fear so that no matter what storm comes, I may live in the hope that You give.  Guide me today and each day You give in the grace Your Beloved Son purchased on the cross that I may come in prayer to Your throne of mercy.  Amen. 

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