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“When Jesus entered Peter’s house, he saw his mother-in-law lying in bed with a fever; he touched her hand, and the fever left her, and she got up and began to serve him” (Matthew 8:14).

All power belongs to our Lord.  From this world’s perspective, He physically heals whom He heals.  The Lord is not capricious.  Sinners want Him to do what they want Him to do.  He who knows all things is doing what is needed for the sake of all.  Do not let your faith be contingent upon what you see, know, or understand, but let it trust in the One who has all things in His hands.

Guide me away from the conditional faith I often encounter in this world, Lord.  So many accuse You of not being God because You do not do what they think You ought to do.  There has always been sickness in this age.  You heal some and not others.  You are still God.  Even if I were a leaper, dying in isolation, let me come through it like Job and never curse You for my circumstances.

Lord Jesus, You came into this world as an innocent child and when You left, it was the wickedness of this world piled upon Your shoulders.  You did not exempt Yourself from the pain of sin even though You were without sin.  Help me to follow You, taking up my cross and living as You are calling me to live.  Guide me in Your goodness to know that in You I have hope.  Lead me today to look to You alone as the One who most certainly can heal, but more importantly as the One who has healed my soul.  Amen.

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