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“And he said to him, “I will come and cure him.”  The centurion answered, “Lord, I am not worthy to have you come under my roof; but only speak the word, and my servant will be healed” (Matthew 8:7-8).

There are two things to note here: first, this Roman Captain is humble; and second, he understands authority.  We can learn from this.  How much grief in the church would be avoided if we members simply lived humbly and respected authority.  Of course, the word of the Lord is all-powerful.  He spoke all things into existence.  This verse reminds us of the attitude with which we are to approach the Lord.

Lord, You know how often I come to You expecting that You will do as I say.  Humble me, for You alone are the God of all creation.  Yes, I may make requests, but let the requests be from my heart and always with an attitude of humility.  Help me to learn, no matter from whom or how, so that I may be faithful in this call You have given me to be Your disciple.

Holy Spirit, correct me when I make petitions so that I remain humble and trust that every answer will be good, right, and salutary.  Guide me in the way of truth in order that I may learn to live in this righteousness You give by grace and through faith.  May I pray this day, knowing that all things are in the Father’s hands.  May I know that even things I do not ask for are provided so that Thy heavenly will shall be done.  Amen.

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