Devotion for Monday, May 27, 2024

“Therefore, everyone who hears these words of Mine, and acts on them, will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock” (Matthew 7:24).

Upon what are you building your life?  Many of us build without thinking or considering the cost.  They build in dangerous places.  They build upon their feelings or the under the direction of others.  But you, upon what are you building your life.  What you believe will come through in what you do.  Belief is the action of that in which you have faith.  Act upon these words and build your life upon Christ.

Lord, You know where I am true to Your call and where I am faking it.  Guide me so that I seek Your righteousness and live these words that You are giving me.  Where I fall short, by Your grace, lead me into the righteousness You have prepared for me.  Lead me by Your grace to seek You in all things.  Help me to be a person who does what You say and lives with You as the foundation.

LORD God, You are the Creator and through You all things have their being.  Lead me always in my innermost being, help me to be clear of the garbage of this age so that I may be true to You.  I will sin, but I know that sin is forgiven under Your grace.  Help me so that what the world sees me doing is driven by You who leads me from the inside out.  Guide me to walk with You humbly today and every day until that day comes when I meet You face to face.  Amen.