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“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter” (Matthew 7:21).

Many are baptized.  Many go to church.  Many do what they do for their own reasons.  We are not called to live for ourselves, but to put on the mind of Christ and live according to the Father’s will.  Yes, we are saved through faith by grace, but that grace does not free us to do as we please.  We are called to be renewed into the likeness of Christ and become children of the heavenly Father.

Lord, help me to see that fine line between freedom and the law.  I know You give all the grace that is needed, but You also call us to live in accordance with the law You have given.  Let the separation between these two positions be clear and apparent.  Open my eyes to see so that I may learn how to walk the narrow path that You have set before me.  I need to learn how to be faithful.

Lord Jesus, You were faithful in all things, even unto Your death on the cross.  Guide me to pick up my cross and follow You wherever You lead.  Help me now and always to live into the life You have given me through the baptism You provided me.  Lead me according to the Father’s will so that I may come to be with You in heaven.  You know all that is needed.  Thank You for providing for my salvation through Your precious death on the cross and glorious resurrection.  Amen.


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