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“Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ and look, the log is in your own eye?” (Matthew 7:4)

When it comes to sin in our life, the only perfect surgeon is the Lord.  What do we know of the soul of another?  Yes, we see and at times might be right, but we do not know.  How much damage is done by the judgement of others?  We all have our sin issues and the answer is with grace, mercy, and understanding that God’s law is good and applies to us all.  Yes, love your neighbor, but do not do so through the eyes of judgement.

Lord, I see that this is one of those paradoxes which lead me on the narrow road.  I have my sin issues and so does my neighbor.  I need to love others through Your eyes.  I look to Your word and know what is right both for my neighbor and me, but I also need to understand grace more and more so that I am able to help and not judge my neighbor.  But also, I need to be humble so that I am willing to receive the same help from another.

Lead me Lord in the way of salvation.  Lord Jesus, You know all that I need.  Guide me in Your goodness and mercy to humbly walk with You, doing what You would have me do both for my neighbor as well as me.  May I learn from You how to live so that I may always share the goodness of Your grace and mercy.  Lead me to be a log remover in myself first always.  Amen.

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