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“For in the way you judge, you will be judged; and by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you” (Matthew 7:2).

Do you measure with hatred or with love?  Do you measure with condemnation or with mercy?  Do you measure with retribution or with grace?  The Lord has come to change our hearts.  He is slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.  Come to the Lord and allow the Holy Spirit to change your heart to see others as the Lord sees you.  Then, discern the criteria and measure others as the Lord measures you.

Lord, You know this would be an investment of my time with a willingness to invest in others.  Often, I just write people off as irritating or as a nuisance.  Do change my heart so that I see others through Your eyes.  Guide me in the way of salvation so that I may now and forever be led in the way You would have me see the actions of others.  Lead me to become like Christ my Savior.

Dear Jesus, when I was young, I heard these words as a harsh admonition.  Now I see them as a loving direction.  You mean for me to see others through the eyes of love.  Guide me Lord so that I may indeed see others as You see them.  This does not mean I ignore them, or do not discern wrong action, but it does mean that I care enough for the other that I love them as You love them.  Help me to do this.  Amen.

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