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“Do not judge, so that you will not be judged” (Matthew 7:1).

There are five primary words in Greek that are translated as judgment in the New Testament.  This word means separating the goats from the sheep, the wheat from the tares.  We are forbidden to do this because we do not know.  We may see what appears to be unfaithfulness and we are to judge that, but never call out someone and say they are going to hell.  Jesus died for every one of us.

Lord, I have judged others this way.  Instead of looking with eyes of condemnation, which is cloaked with hatred, help me to have eyes of love so that I see that everyone is precious in Your sight.  Lead me in the way You would have me go so that I see an opportunity with each possible brother or sister that I meet.  Let me judge others in love praying that in the end, You will judge me through the eyes of love.

Lord Jesus, where I separate in my mind those who are yours from those whom I believe are not, confront me.  No matter how heinous the behavior, I do not know the outcome.  Grant me eyes of love that are willing to always reach out with the same grace You have given me.  Guide me in the upward way to live according to the goodness You are teaching me.  Let me not fear Your judgement, but help me to fear your disappointment always.  Amen.

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