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“For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Even the tax collectors, do they not do the same?” (Matthew 5:46)

It is not so much that we must be different for our own sake, but that when we learn to love all of our neighbors, we begin to see the world as the Lord does.  Unbelieving sinners, evil men, and most humans love their families and friends.  We are called to be willing to give grace to those who do not deserve it.  Has not the Lord done the same for us?  The reward of giving grace is that you receive grace. As we sow we shall also reap.

Lord God, teach me how to practice this grace that You give.  You have come so that we may have life and have it abundantly.  You have given us grace upon grace.  We do not deserve it, but You give it anyway.  Help me, Lord, so that I may be gracious to others with the same grace I have received.  We look at each other from tainted eyes that pretend we are righteous, but You know that we all need comes only from You.

Lord and Savior Jesus, guide me in the way of grace.  I think too often in terms of how I feel about something.  I also think in terms of deserving things.  Strip that from me so that I display by Your leading what is right and true.  Guide me in the way You know I need to go and help me to put into practice these things that You are teaching me.  Lead me in the way of the love You give so that I may share that love with others.  Amen.

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