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“Immediately they left their nets and followed Him.  Going on from there He saw two other brothers, James the son of Zebedee, and his brother John, in the boat with their father Zebedee, mending their nets; and He called them. Immediately they left the boat and their father, and followed Him” (Matthew 4:20-22).

It is best when you immediately do what the Lord has asked you to do.  How many times do we waver?  Repent, return, and walk with the Lord.  John and James left what they were doing, and also followed the Lord.  We know from Scripture that this was just the beginning.  For us also, taking these steps to follow Jesus is just the beginning.  He has called each of us and has great purpose for our lives.  Leave behind what needs to be left behind and walk with the Lord.

Almighty God, You have set all things upon their course.  You know me and You have seen all the things I have done in my life.  You have prepared me, and at the right moment, You have called me to walk with You.  It is mystery to me, but not to You.  You know my end from the beginning, for You are the Alpha and Omega.  Help me to leave behind these things to look forward to knowing You for all eternity.

Lord Jesus, God in the flesh.  You have come to earth and led the way for all who would follow You.  Coming in ordinary garb, You walked, and still walk, preaching and teaching so that as many as would see the light, hear Your word of truth, be moved by the Holy Spirit, and walk into Your kingdom.  Continue to be the One who leads me this day in order that I may walk in Your goodness and light.  Amen.

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