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“From that time Jesus began to preach and say, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Matthew 4:17).

It begins with repentance.  Repentance is both turning away and turning to.  Turn from sin, death, and the devil.  Turn from the way of the old Adam.  Turn to the way of living what is right.  If you’ve made the wrong turn, then go back to the place of the wrong turn and take the right one.  But this is only the beginning.  The kingdom of heaven is at hand.  If you turn your eyes upon Jesus and walk with Him, you walk focused on the true life before you, our Lord and Savior.

Lord, I do not know what heaven will be like, but I know that You will be there.  Why do I focus on things, when You, the Creator of all things, have offered Your hand to lead me.  Help me to change my focus to You.  You have called for me to follow You in this relationship that You are offering me. Lead me ever deeper into walking with You so that I may continue on the right way.

Jesus, I am a sinner who has repented.  I need the grace which You give.  I need to have my course corrected.  I thank You that You have provided grace so that I can repent knowing that my life in faith is not dependent upon being perfect but promises to make me perfect because I am walking with You.  Lead me this day to walk humbly with You as You lead me.  Teach me again and again where I need to repent and turn to You, for You are always near.  Amen.

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