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Prayers, 7th Sunday of Easter, Cycle B (Also Mother’s Day, May 12, 2024)

(May also be used for Ascension, Transferred)


7th Sunday of Easter

Acts 1:12-26 (Matthias chosen to replace Judas)

ELW: Acts 1:15-17, 21-26 (no references to Judas)

Psalm 1 (Blessed is the one whose delight is in the law of the Lord!)

1 John 5:9-15 (11 God’s testimony: God gave us eternal life; this life is in his Son. 12Whoever has the Son has life; if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.)

                ELW: 1 John 5:9-13 (omits praying according to his will)

John 17:11b-19 (Jesus prays that his Father would protect and sanctify all who believe in him)

                ELW: John 17:6-19 (adds “They have known everything I have from you”)


Opening hymn: By All Your Saints in Warfare:

LBW #177, v. 1, 12, 3; ELW #420, v. 1, 12, “last”; LSB #517, v. 1, 13, 3

OR Blessing and Honor: LBW #525, ELW #854

Hymn of the Day: Up Through Endless Ranks of Angels: LBW #159, LSB #491

(Note: If tune isn’t familiar, use melody for Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence, “Picardy”)

OR Alleluia! Sing to Jesus: LBW #158, ELW #392, LSB #821

Communion Hymn #1: O Christ, Our Hope, Our Heart’s Desire: LBW #300, LSB #553

Communion Hymn #2: Beautiful Savior: LBW #518, ELW #838, LSB #537

Closing Hymn: The Church’s One Foundation: LBW #369, ELW #654, LSB #644


Ascension (Transferred)


Acts 1:1-11(Promise of Holy Spirit and ascension of Jesus)

Psalm 47 (God has gone up with a shout! He rules over the nations)

Ephesians 1:15-23 (Paul’s prayer for eternal inheritance in risen Christ. God given him all power and authority, and made him head over all things for the Church, his body)

Luke 24:44-53 (Jesus reminds followers of Scriptures; blesses them and ascends)


Opening hymn: Look, (Ye Saints,)The Sight is Glorious:  LBW #156/LSB #495

OR Alleluia! Sing to Jesus: LBW #158, ELW #392, LSB #821

Hymn of the Day: Up Through Endless Ranks of Angels: LBW #159, LSB #491

If tune isn’t familiar, use melody for Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence, LBW #198)

OR Blessing, Honor, Glory to the Lamb: ELW #433

Communion Hymn #1: Beautiful Savior: LBW #518, ELW #838, LSB #537

Communion Hymn #2: Blessing and Honor: LBW #525, ELW #854

Closing Hymn: At the Name of Jesus: LBW #179, ELW #416, LSB #512

OR Thine the Amen, Thine the Praise: WOV #801, ELW #826, (LSB #680






Let us pray in the name of our risen and ascended Savior for the Church, the world, and for all people according to their needs.

A brief silence

Heavenly Father, “Jesus has gone up with a shout! The Lord has ascended on high!” Thank you for his triumph over sin and death. Keep us faithful unto death, until Jesus gives us his crown of life.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Give your Church faith, joy, and boldness to proclaim Jesus’ Lordship to all the world until he comes again in glory.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Ease the suffering of all who are persecuted for naming Jesus as Lord. Give gentleness to their words and peace in their hearts. Bring to repentance and humble faith all who torment them.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

This congregation thanks and praises you for the triumph of our Savior. Give us grace to live according to his commands; to proclaim him as Lord and King; and to share his grace with those who need it most.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Be with all moms, foster moms, grandmas, and everyone who acts with a mother’s love. Comfort those who are bereaved, barren, or separated physically or emotionally from their children. Bless them all with the tender love of Jesus, who himself knew a mother’s tender love and care.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Your Son has ascended on high, and is king of all nations. We pray for the earthly leaders of those nations, especially our own. Make them righteous and merciful. Conform them to your will. Teach us all to live together in peace and unity, until the day Christ comes to judge the living and the dead.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


We lift before you the needs of all whose lives are shadowed by suffering or sorrow. Today we remember: {List}. Give them the abundant life promised by Jesus. Fill them with the grace and comfort of your Holy Spirit. And bless those who care for them.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Heavenly Father, we long for the day when we will live with you and your people in everlasting joy. Keep in your care all who have died awaiting your promised inheritance. Keep us in union with them, with all of your saints, and with you, in the power of your Holy Spirit, for the sake of Christ our Savior.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Hear and graciously answer our prayers in accordance with your will, dear Father, for the sake of your beloved Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

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