Just over a year ago Christine and I found ourselves in Florence, South Carolina. Nice place just off I-95, we found a fixer-upper on the little lake in town. Pro…
I am very grateful for the recent invitation to have a zoom conversation with the director and associate director of the ELCA’s Reconsiderations process. This is the task force that…
Many thanks to Kevin Haug for his very insightful article about the DEIA audit which the ELCA recently commissioned a law firm to do of its governing documents. I hate…
Editor’s Note: Jacob Moorman is a member of River’s Edge Ministries, which regularly hosts and leads mission work locally in Maryland, through City Mission, and annually in other states through…
In my previous two articles, I talked about the dilemma facing De-churched Lutherans. Some cannot find an orthodox Lutheran parish in their area. Some have been made to feel unwelcome…
Editor's Note: by M. Roy Schwarz, M.D. The American Heritage Dictionary, 2nd College Edition defines "life" as "the property or quality that distinguishes living organisms from the dead or inanimate…
Editor’s Note: Pr. Haug wrote a positive article on this topic in January (click here). Last newsletter I hinted that I would write a follow up article about OperationReconquista and…
Recently, the ELCA posted the results of a DEIA (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility) Audit1 which was authorized by the Churchwide Assembly. The audit laid out its findings and made…
“Then Jesus said to him, “Go away, Satan! For it is written: ‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and serve Him only’” (Matthew 4:10). There is only One who…