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“Then the devil took Him along into the holy city and had Him stand on the pinnacle of the temple, and he said to Him, “If You are the Son of God, throw Yourself down; for it is written: ‘He will give His angels orders concerning You’; and ‘On their hands they will lift You up, So that You do not strike Your foot against a stone’” (Matthew 4:5-6).

The wicked one knows Scripture too.  But when it comes out of his mouth, it will be twisted.  The question, “If,” is one the wicked one uses to get us to question what the Lord has already spoken.  The final word belongs to the Lord. You are in the Lord, that is His word to you.  He will hold you in His hands.  No matter what happens to you in this age, You are in the Lord’s perfect will.

I often think in terms of the conditional nature of things in this age.  If I be in You Lord, then nothing bad should happen.  But that is not what His word says; that is only what the devil would have me believe.  Lord, You were crucified and that was Your plan all along.  All these things which You have done were so that I, and all who believe, could come to the place where we know that You, Jesus, are our Lord and Savior.

Lord Jesus, You have taught us to not take the bait of the wicked one.  I do take it sometimes and for that, You have given me grace and mercy.  Help me to be on guard so that only the pureness of Your word may guide me today.  Help me to hear rightly, and then help me to put into practice what You have said.  Thank You for providing me with all that I need for the life of faith which You have given me.  Amen.

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