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“But Jesus, answering, said to him, “Allow it at this time; for in this way it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness.” Then he allowed Him” (Matthew 3:15).

How gracious our Lord is.  He is the One in whom all authority rests, and yet, he makes a request.  The gracious Lord requests that you walk with Him.  He is courteous and asks.  The devil is rude and demands.  Jesus is the One who fulfills all righteousness so that we who have none may gain from He who has all that is needed.  How good and complete is the salvation which He gives us.

Lord, the world I live in is always in such a hurry.  Go here and there and yet get nowhere.  Lead me to understand that only in You is there salvation.  Only by what You have done and are doing am I saved.  Open my eyes to see the magnitude of Your grace and mercy so that I may walk with You and receive all that is needed.  You give me eternal life and it comes as You give it.  No matter the appointments to office You give in the kingdom, You have demonstrated courtesy and kindness to all.

Lord Jesus, bring me to the place where I allow You freely into my life and soul.  Bring me to the place of repentance where I open up and willingly submit to whatever You need to do in me to fulfill all righteousness.  You must be the One who leads, for only You can perfectly do all that is needed in order to accomplish what needs to be done in my life.  Thank You, Jesus, for leading the way.  Amen. 

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