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“For this is the one referred to by Isaiah the prophet when he said “The voice of one calling out in the wilderness, ‘Prepare the way of the Lord, Make His paths straight!’” (Matthew 3:2)

We hear the words of prophecy from Isaiah 40.  We are here for only a short time.  We know this is especially true when we think about living a few decades here and an eternity with the Lord.  What is the call before us?  In part, it is to walk the paths that have been straightened before us.  Learn to love the Lord, your neighbor, and obey all that He has commanded.  Don’t twist these things up; just do them.

Lord, there is the difficulty.  I spend more time avoiding doing what You have asked me to do than actually learning and doing those things.  Guide me in the way of life so that I realize that the journey You have set before me is living the Christian life.  I do not know what will come, but I know that the outcome of my sanctification will conform me to Your image.  Let me join in preparing Your way, making paths straight for my brothers and sisters.

Lord Jesus, You have brought down the high and raised up those who were low.  You have made the way of salvation available to all, even children.  Lead me in the straight and narrow way that You have made possible so that I am conformed to Your image.  In Your grace and mercy, help me to live this faith, being true to what You have set before me.  May I learn how to be faithful as You are always faithful.  Amen.

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