Devotion for Wednesday, February 14, 2024

“But when he heard that Archelaus was reigning over Judea in place of his father Herod, he was afraid to go there. Then after being warned by God in a dream, he left for the regions of Galilee.

Joseph did as the Lord instructed.  How many would be willing to travel to another country with a small child and then, a couple of years later, back again.  All of this as the step father of the child.  We witness such a level of devotion and faithfulness that we should be moved to seek to do the same.  Joseph was faithful.  You and I are called to faithfulness.  Come and learn how to do likewise.

Lord, You chose well in choosing Joseph.  One of the quiet, faithful ones of Scripture speaks loudly with his actions.  You ask for each of us to implicitly trust in Your leading.  We may have to go great distances, but everything has a purpose when we place ourselves in Your hands.  Lord, You are the God who is intentional, and You have given us the promise that You are working all things together for good for those who love you.

Holy Spirit, teach me to love You.  Bring me fully into the promise You give in Scripture.  Make me into what You intend me to be.  Shape me in the image of Christ, my Savior, and help me to live the life of faith to which I have been called.  Guide me in this faith You have given me such that I would obey as You command no matter the circumstances.  Help me to learn how to be faithful as Joseph was faithful.  Amen.