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“Now when they had gone, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, “Get up! Take the Child and His mother and flee to Egypt, and stay there until I tell you; for Herod is going to search for the Child to kill Him” (Matthew 2:13).

After the Lord provided for Jesus with gold, Joseph is instructed to leave Bethlehem.  The world still wants to kill Jesus.  The One who is eternal cannot be eliminated.  They killed Him and He rose again.  You who follow the Lord, know that they will try to kill you.  Let nothing distract you from following the Lord, even if He asks you to pack up things and move.  The final portion of the Great Commission is for us to learn how to obey.

Lord, thank You for the witness of Joseph.  He heard You and obeyed.  What will it take for me to have enough faith to obey You as Abraham, Moses, the prophets, and Joseph did?  Create in me a willing heart that hears and obeys.  You have provided for me before I take the first step, so teach me how to step out in faith.  May I be encourage by examples such as these to always trust You.

Lord Jesus, as You were protected as a child, so also, Your protection is over us.  But I also know that this life too may be taken at any time.  Grant that I would have faith to step out, not based upon circumstances, nor even outcomes, but based upon obeying all that You command.  You are the author and finisher of my faith and You know what is coming.  Lead me to live by faith.  Amen.

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