Devotion for Tuesday, February 6, 2024

“And after being warned by God in a dream not to return to Herod, the magi left for their own country by another way” (Matthew 2:12).

The Magi were attuned to the speaking of the Holy Spirit.  As the Lord led them to Jesus, so also, the Lord led them away.  The met Herod and they knew the stories of his paranoia, but they also knew the leading of the Lord.  Somehow, in our age, we seem to want magic rather than wisdom.  Wisdom begins with fear of the Lord.  Magic is an imagination of the mind, for all power belongs to the Lord.

Lord, as the Wise men came to see baby Jesus and worship Him, so also, You call me to worship You.  You have spoken to me in many a various ways.  Help me to hear when You speak so that, with wisdom, I may obey when You direct me.  Lead me in the way that You intend, but also, help me to listen and follow.  Thank You for the witness of the Magi and their humble experience.

Lord, You have come so that we may go by another way, leaving this country and heading toward the new country which shall come after our resurrection.  Help me to not look back, but to move forward according to Your leading.  Guide me in Your goodness to know that only in You can I take even one step, let alone all the steps that are needed.  Be the light that shines before each of my steps as I follow You all the days of my life.  Amen.