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“After hearing the king, they went on their way; and behold, the star, which they had seen
in the east, went on ahead of them until it came to a stop over the place where the Child
was to be found” (Matthew 2:9).

The Lord will lead those who are His. The Lord is our protector. Oh, why do we not believe and
humbly follow Him? As He led the Magi to baby Jesus, so He will lead us all the days of our
life. Keep your eye on the light of Jesus. Keep your eye on the prize. Jesus will lead you. Trust
in the One who knows all things and has come in order that you may have life in Him. Let Him
lead you all the days of your life.

Shining star of truth, reveal all things I need to know so that I may see and believe. Like
Abraham and the Magi, You have sent me on a journey of faith. Guide me Lord Jesus so that I
may humbly walk in the faith You have given me. Guide me in Your goodness and grace to not
lose focus, or stumble in darkness, but walk knowing that You are with me always.

My Savior and God, You have come to lead me this day in the way I need to go. Guide me in
Your goodness so that I may be faithful and follow where You lead. Help me to know that I do
not need to fear anything that comes my way in this life. Help me to trust in You always.
Guide me in Your goodness so that I may take additional steps of faith, trusting in Your
leading always. Amen.

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