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“And he sent them to Bethlehem and said, “Go and search carefully for the Child; and
when you have found Him, report to me, so that I too may come and worship Him”
(Matthew 2:8).

Liar! We know that, but they did not. How many times have you encountered someone who
could look you in the face and lie? Sadly, there are too many in this world who do just that.
They will pretend to be a friend of Jesus, but they are really an enemy. Be on the alert and be
wise as serpents, only follow the way of our Lord and worship Him alone. We fight against the
dark principalities and powers of this world.

Lord, grant that I would be discerning in an age with so much falsehood. I have been deceived.
Guide me to see through those who would deceive me so that I may walk in the truth. The Magi
humbly came to worship you and, out of respect for the authorities, came to Herod who did not
honor You. Help me to see the tension I live in so that I may walk faithfully, yet with shrewdness.

Holy Spirit, it is a battle against things I cannot see, yet You can make them known, Lord
Jesus. You must be the author and finisher of my faith, for I often do not know whom I am
facing. Father in heaven, You have called me to become Your child after the likeness of
Christ my Savior. Holy Triune God, lead me as I must be led so that I would worship

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