Considering the Challenge of Transitioning from Clergy-Led to Lay-Led Congregational Ministries

This article is written especially for smaller congregations that are either 1) already experiencing a pastoral vacancy, or 2) know that their solo pastor will be retiring within the next one or two years. If your congregation fits this description it is essential that you understand the full scope of the challenges you will face, or already are facing, when it comes to finding and calling your next pastor.

You might be hesitating to read further.  After all, you might be convinced that the “right” pastor is out there, and the Holy Spirit will undoubtedly lead him or her to your congregation.  But know this: The current shortage of Lutheran pastors is unprecedented.  Moreover, this shortage is unprecedented in my lifetime…and I was born in 1951!

However, if you keep reading you will learn of a congregational ministry strategy that provides you with a viable “Plan B” if and when you decide that it is highly unlikely that your congregation will—in the near future—be able to identify and call the “right” pastor.  And please note: Lutheran CORE is ready to come alongside your congregation to help you address this ministry challenge.  Now back to the matter of “unprecedented in my lifetime.”

About the only advantage to being 72 is all the recent history I have witnessed.  And in my lifetime I have witnessed phenomenal and dramatic changes in the mainline Protestant church in general, and the Lutheran church in particular.

First there is my family history.  I am a third-generation Lutheran pastor.  My parents were missionaries in China when, in 1949, they and my older sister had to be evacuated when the Communists took over the country.  My father—Les Brandt—subsequently had parish ministry calls in Minnesota and North Dakota; i.e., “Luther-land”.  In 1958 my father was called to start a new congregation in Orange County, California.  This was when Southern California was experiencing a significant migration of Midwestern Lutherans to that part of the country.  (In fact, Orange County, in the 1950’s, experienced a 278% growth in its total population!)

Now for what I personally experienced as a member of the Baby Boom generation.  In that rapidly-growing Orange County congregation I was surrounded by the children of my generation; children whose parents expected them to attend church and Sunday school.  Not surprisingly, my experience growing up in the church was profoundly impacted by being a part of what was then the largest generation in American history.  This included being a part of active church youth groups, and working for Lutheran Student Movement in the early 1970’s.  When I started Luther seminary in 1974 all the dorm rooms were occupied and the student body was close to 600 students.  (And there were then seven other Lutheran seminaries I could have attended.)  When I graduated (from Wartburg Seminary) there were only three students out of a class of 60 who had a call by the time of graduation.  Fact was there were far more graduates than there were available calls. 

Then, on a less personal note, there is the matter of the milestones in American church history I have witnessed.  The year 1960 was the year when 63% of Americans were members of Christian congregations.  In 2020 it was 47%.  In 1960 two-thirds of Americans identified as Protestants; mostly belonging to mainline churches.  Today less than 15% of Americans are part of mainline denominations.  As recently as the 1980’s and 1990’s a great many Lutheran congregations were benefiting from the phenomenon of nesting-stage Boomers who were returning to church because they decided that church would be “good for the kids”.  In one article about Boomer parents returning to church the weekly magazine of the Los Angeles Times quoted a parent who said, “I was pretty wild as a teen and young adult.  But now I am a father and I want my kids to have some values.”

So much for nostalgia.  In 2024 the picture is far more bleak.  And one of the dramatic examples of this—in addition to only 15% of Americans currently being a part of mainline Protestant churches—is the crisis when it comes to too few pastors available for too many pastoral vacancies.  The easiest way to explain this clergy supply shortage is to understand two current realities:

1. Too many Boomer pastors are retiring.  And the youngest Boomer pastors will not reach the age of 65 until 2029.  This means that, for at least the next five years, the number of vacancies will only increase.

2. There are far too few men and women pursuing a seminary education.  And many of these students will graduate at an older age than used to be the case; meaning that their time as active parish pastors will be relatively short.

Now for the unique challenges when it comes to smaller congregations identifying and calling the “right” pastor.  The current reality is that smaller congregations are at a distinct disadvantage even when they are able to provide an adequate salary package.  With too many calls for too few candidates, pastors today have multiple call options.  And most of them are applying for call opportunities at mid-sized and larger churches. 

Finally, the good news.  Lutheran CORE is offering coaching assistance for smaller Lutheran congregations who are already looking for a pastor, or who soon will be.  This ministry is the Congregational Lay-leadership Initiative, or CLI.  One important key to this particular ministry is to tap into the growing number of active, retired Boomer Lutheran pastors.  Some of these pastors are ready to coach a church, like yours, as you address the current clergy supply crisis.  (This would be online coaching, not in-person.)  With CLI your congregational leaders would be mentored by a capable pastor as you enlist and train a few members of your congregation to take on the role of lay ministers. 

Details about the Congregational Lay-leadership Initiative can be found here on the Lutheran CORE website.  Also, click here to read  a previous article which provides one possible, detailed scenario regarding how a congregation can launch this type of ministry.  And then, if you still have questions and want to communicate with a human being, contact me directly.  I would welcome the opportunity to connect with you; either by email or phone.

Pastor Don Brandt

Congregational Lay-leadership Initiative (CLI)


Video Ministry – January 2024


Many thanks to Aaron Heilman for this review.  Aaron is Worship Leader for Pointe of Hope Church in Blue Springs, Missouri (LCMS).  A link to Aaron’s video can be found here.  A link to our You Tube channel, which contains nearly four dozen videos, can be found here.

Pastoral Helmsmanship is a collaborative effort between three well credentialed authors.

In summary, a large part of administrative work is preparing and planning for storms. A ship’s helmsman is second-in command to the captain. In a church, the pastor is the helmsman. The captain is Jesus. The helmsman’s primary role is to help navigate the ship through transitions.

There are several critical areas of a pastor’s call and life. First is the call to be the main vision caster of the church. Second is good time management. Third is balancing family and ministry. Fourth is a sober look at the occupational hazards of being a pastor. Lastly is a chapter on how to identify and handle troublemakers in the congregation.

The next section identifies key areas the pastor must tend to as an administrator. This book includes risk management and mitigation as well as approaches to working with and leading people. The final section provides resources and book recommendations.

Based on Kenneth Haugk’s book, Antagonists in the Church, there are 21 different behaviors that are red flags to look for in church members, leaders, and oneself. The authors added two additional categories, unregenerate members and those who declined their call to ministry.

The only real criticism to offer is that the book is probably due for an update due to technological changes. Overall, this book is a great one-stop shop for ideas on church administration that can help a pastor see the scope and complexity of the call to administrate and then develop a plan to do that well.

Devotion for Thursday, January 11, 2024

“[A]nd if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his part from the tree of life and from the holy city, which are written in this book” (Revelation 22:10).

The Lord has spoken forth His word so that those who have ears to hear may repent and turn to the Lord while there is time.  Do not hinder another by either adding to or taking away from what the Lord has said.  It is so simple that a child can lead us.  There is right and there is wrong.  Confess the wrong, seek the right, and look to the Lord to lift you up and out of the mess of this age.

Why does it seem so difficult, Lord?  I hear all kinds of things but what I need most often, is encouragement.  Yes, I stumble and fall.  No, I do not stick to my resolutions.  I want to think I can do it on my own, but deep down I know I cannot.  Guide me by Your grace so that I see that what You have said in all of Scripture is really the same message over and over.  There is right.  There is wrong.  We need to be saved, and then we need to be helped to do the right and avoid the wrong.

Lead me, Savior, in the way of everlasting life.  Guide me in Your goodness so that I may live out what is good, right and salutary.  Help me to know that by Your power and under Your authority, I can move forward in living the godly life.  Help me to take seriously, this and all of Your admonitions so that I may live wholly in Your grace, seeking to do what is right always, knowing that I am in Your loving arms. Amen.

Devotion for Wednesday, January 10, 2024

“I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book” (Revelation 22:18)

Over time, how many are there who have messed with God’s word?  Some really do make a mess of things.  The purpose of these devotions is to bring your heart to be devoted to the Lord.  At no point were you told what to believe, but you were encouraged to believe.  The Lord calls all who are in this age of sin to repent, that is, turn, and follow Him.  He will save those who turn to Him and trust in His salvation.

Lord, I do not need special knowledge.  I do not need to have insights or hidden knowledge.  What I need is to be rescued from the stinking thinking that goes on in my mind.  It is at its worst when I think it is not present at all.  I need Your salvation, and You are the Savior.  Guide me Lord in the way You would have me go.  Lead me into the way of life so that I may neither take away, nor add to what You have commanded.

Lord, You are the way, truth, and life.  Trinity, You are One God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  You have shared Your word and I have heard the call.  Guide me. Lord. in the way You would have me go so that I may walk in Your salvation.  By Your grace, lead me away from all error so that the plagues of this book will not be added to my judgement.  Guide me according to Your eternal will always.  Amen.

Devotion for Tuesday, January 9, 2024

“The Spirit and the bride say, “Come.” And let the one who hears say, “Come.” And let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who desires, take the water of life without cost” (Revelation 22:17).

The only action any of us can really do is to step out in faith and go in response to the Lord’s call.  He offers to allow us to drink the living water.  He invites us but we must take the invitation and act upon it.  Unopened, it does no good.  Open it and see what the Lord has offered us which will complete the desire He created in our heart to be fulfilled.  We were made to be filled with the Lord in an eternal relationship.

The Holy Spirit speaks to us each day.  The Holy Spirit, the bride of Christ and the people of faith proclaim to us the Good News.  Saint Paul told us that the word needs to be preached.  You have heard and now you believe.  Continue all the days of your life, no matter what happens, seeking to follow the Lord.  Live in the blessed assurance that faith gives, trusting that the word of the Lord endures forever.

Lord, You do speak to me, and You have given promises.  Where I am unable to see, and must live by faith, give me the encouragement I need.  Whether through Your word, the faithful witnesses around me, or by the prompting of the Holy Spirit, guide me to know that in You I do have hope through the many promises You have given me.  Strengthen that hope today so that I may walk humbly with You.  Amen.

Devotion for Monday, January 8, 2024

“I, Jesus, have sent My angel to testify to you of these things for the churches. I am the root and the descendant of David, the bright morning star” (Revelation 22:16).

Our faith is built from the testimony of others.  We live life based upon the testimony of others.  One cannot prove their love; they can only demonstrate it.  A vow is made, and one believes and fulfills the vow.  These days, that includes a signature on a piece of paper, but all these things are still based upon faith.  We either believe what we have not seen, or we do not.  If we believe, then we are assured that the hope within us will come to pass as the Lord has said.

In this day and age people want proof of all kinds of things.  When it comes to history and relationships, no proof can ever be offered.  There is only the testimony.  That testimony is either true or not true.  We either believe or we do not.  There never has been, nor can there ever be a middle ground between the either/or of belief and unbelief.  Do you believe the testimony of Jesus?  Do you believe those who have shared that testimony with you?

Lord Jesus, help my unbelief.  There are days when things are going well, and I hold on to Your promises.  Then there are days when everything seems amiss and I’m not sure I can believe anything.  Help me at all times to humbly walk with You knowing that only in You is there hope and an eternal future.  You created me.  That I believe.  Sustain me now and always to remain a person of faith and conviction.  Amen.

Devotion for Sunday, January 7, 2024

“Outside are the dogs, the sorcerers, the sexually immoral persons, the murderers, the idolaters, and everyone who loves and practices lying” (Revelation 22:15).

This list seems to portray the acceptable behaviors of our contemporary society.  Drugs, sex, lying, worshiping the created, and murdering others rules the day.  The heart without the Lord is wicked and deceitful.  Who can understand it but the Lord?  He has come to give a new heart to all who believe and follow Him.  Those who remain in their wickedness will be left outside the gates forever.

How can a heaven filled with people be different than this world?  It will be done by eliminating the wickedness of the heart.  The unrepentant must be left out.  Without repentance, there can be no change.  The change needs to happen and it has with the death and resurrection of our Savior.  Because He lives, we know that we have been granted a new heart and that He will complete His salvation for all who believe.

Lord Jesus, I still have too many of these attributes lurking in my heart, but I want to be like You.  Guide me on the mountain climb I need to walk so that I can reach the top and see You in Your glory.  You are the author of my life and faith.  I need You so that I can take the journey I need to make this day.  Guide me in Your goodness and mercy to live according to Your Word.  Amen.

Devotion for Saturday, January 6, 2024

“Blessed are those who wash their robes, so that they will have the right to the tree of life, and may enter the city by the gates” (Revelation 22:14).

If you have ever looked at an Icon, you will notice that Jesus is the only one who has a red robe against His body.  The saints may or may not be wearing a red robe, but it will be an outer robe.  This symbolizes the saints being “washed in the blood of the lamb.”  The white pall on the casket at a funeral symbolizes how we are all the same under the washing of Jesus.  You must be forgiven by His blood shed for you to come into the promise of Jesus.

Jesus, what must I do to be saved? You must believe and belief is shown by what you do.  Act as one who has been saved by Jesus.  But what about the corruption of my heart?  Act as one who is being healed by the Lord and do not resist the treatment.  The Lord has determined to save those who reach out to Him in faith.  Continue to reach out and He will do all that needs to be done.  He is and must be the author and finisher of our faith. He is faithful and He will do it.

Come, Lord Jesus.  You have bid me come to You and I come.  Now come to me that the relationship You have established in the covenant, sealed with Your blood, may be the outer garment I wear all the days of my life.  I have no right to the tree of life, but You grant me access by Your grace.  It is not a matter of my rights or deserving, but about what You, my Lord and Master, have done, are doing, and will do in accordance with Your eternal word.  Help me now and always.  Amen.

Devotion for Friday, January 5, 2024

“I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end” (Revelation 22:13).

Who is Jesus?  Here you have His revelation of who He is.  He is the I AM that spoke to Abraham, Moses, David, the prophets and in these last days, to us.  The Father and Son are One.  The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are Holy Trinity who are the Alpha and Omega.  God was, IS, and will be.  In invented time and all time is “now” for Him.  Fall on your knees and worship the One through whom all things have their being.

We have met the man Jesus, born lowly, humble, and meek in a stable in the words of the Gospels. We have heard of His actions and what they will produce in the Epistles.  Now, we hear the revelation that Jesus is God in the flesh.  Like Thomas, all we can do is fall on our face and worship our Lord and God.  Too many choose the thinking of Jesus as just a great buddy.  Yes, He is our friend, but He is also God.

Lord God, Alpha and Omega, Trinity who saves, may I do all that You command.  Though I need saving, yet, I have been saved.  Guide me today to be faithful and diligent, knowing that I am before You forever.  You alone do I desire to serve.  Let me never forget this simple truth.  When I serve others, I am really serving You.  Thank You for providing all that is needed so that I may live the life for which I was created.  Amen.

Devotion for Thursday, January 4, 2024

“Behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to reward each one as his work deserves” (Revelation 22:12).

Some say that it is not fair that one would receive more than another.  First, we are all saved by grace, apart from works of the law.  Salvation is a gift Christ alone gives.  But think about it this way: do we not reward one who has studied and does a more difficult job with more money?  The worker at a fast-food place does not earn what a doctor earns.  Did man invent this equity, or is this a reflection of God’s righteousness?

Lord, You have given me things to do and You expect the servant to serve the Master.  Let me not behave as one of the filthy wicked ones who do wrong thinking they are safe because they give You lip service.  Help me to do the work You give me to do as a response to the grace You freely gave me.  It is not meritorious, but faithfulness for which I shall be rewarded.  Being faithful then is what is important.

Guide me this day Lord Jesus so that I would learn from You what it means to be faithful.  In Your goodness, help me to know that in You I have true hope.  Also help me to realize that there are things You have created that, in faithfulness, I need to do.  Help me to not be distracted by the world, but to be filled with You so that I do the things You have given me to do this day faithfully.  Amen.