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“She will give birth to a Son; and you shall name Him Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21).

Joseph had a specific assignment. Marry Mary, be the father to the son whose name shall be “God’s Salvation,” which is what the name “Jesus” means in Hebrew.  God’s salvation shall save God’s people from their sins.  “Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.”  Our Lord is purposeful with everything He does.  He has prepared the way for as many as believe to become children of the Heavenly Father.

Lord, amidst all the difficulties of this world, help me to believe in all of these things.  You are the Savior, and You have saved me from my sins.  Now that I have been given salvation, lead me into the journey of becoming like Christ.  I confess that I still sin and I am nowhere near to being like Christ, so there is much to be done in me.  This is where I need to live by faith, trusting that You have and will accomplish all that needs to be done.

Savior of the world, You died so that I can be a part of what You are accomplishing.  I only know part and You know all that needs to be done.  Strengthen my faith so that I will move as You lead.  Lead me to take the steps of Joseph and Mary, who’s story is filled with living by faith obediently.  Teach and lead me so that I may have this kind of faith.  Guide me in Your goodness to perceiver in faith to become holy even as You are Holy.  Amen.   

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