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“Jacob fathered Joseph the husband of Mary, by whom Jesus was born, who is called the Messiah” (Matthew 1:16).

Joseph, a carpenter, lived in the unrespected village of Nazareth.  Of the lineage of David, but now obscure.  The literal lineage mattered to fulfil prophecy?  Count on the Lord to cover all of the bases.  Mary too was of the lineage of David.  This point in time is one thousand years after David.  We are all related if one goes back far enough.  Such is human history.  Legitimate or illegitimate?  Is that not the real question that confronts us all?

Lord, in the clarity of reality, You present to us the ability to become legitimate by being adopted into Your family.  We come from the roots from which we come, but You are the One who calls us into a new life as children of God.  Let me not be hung up on the particulars, but learn to trust that You have covered things so well that there are many things most of us are probably unaware of.

Lord Jesus, You came in obscurity, but we all know the story.  What was covered is not in the full light of day.  So it will be for all of us.  Teach me to not worry about circumstances, but to live into the truth of what You have offered me in salvation.  Guide me in Your goodness Lord to live the life of faith into which I have been baptized.  May I humbly walk with You Lord knowing that all things are in Your hands.  Amen.

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