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David fathered Solomon by her who had been the wife of Uriah” (Matthew 1:6b).

And it continues.  David was acting in the family way.  He had a child by a woman who had been another man’s wife.  But that is not the point here.  The world would call the child illegitimate, a bastard.  God redeems all who come to Him.  Though our sins be as scarlet, yet will the Lord wash our sins in His blood to make us clean.  The wisdom of Solomon, birthed in the folly of Solomon, shows us what a willingness to persevere can do.

Lord God, you created each one of us and You have said that we are wonderfully made.  I have spent too much time blaming and convincing myself why I cannot do something, but You show me time and again how You can do great things with people whom the world calls hopeless.  Who cares what the world thinks.  Lead me in Your goodness to believe that You are the God who resurrects to the land of the living those whom the world rejects.

You have said Lord Jesus that You are making all things new.  Make me new by Your grace so that I may become like You.  Continue to lead me Jesus in all things that come my way so that I may grow in this faith You have given me.  According to the Father’s will, let me not look for excuses, but for opportunities to live the life of faith You have given me knowing that You are making of me what You will.  Amen.

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