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“The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all. Amen” (Revelation 22:21).

It is no small statement for our Lord and Savior to speak His grace into us.  He died that we might have the forgiveness of sin and the ability to repent, turn, and come to Him as we are so that He would make of us, children of the Heavenly Father.  Without His grace, we are doomed.  By His grace, we are empowered to live the journey of becoming like Christ.  Receive His grace and walk in forgiveness.

Our sins are forgiven, but that does not mean that we go on sinning without care.  We have been given a new life and that new life is one that seeks to be obedient to all that our Savior has commanded.  To receive grace is to have faith that the Lord’s grace will bring about healing.  To act as if you are being healed is to believe that our Lord has given you the words of eternal life.

Lord Jesus, You have spoken these things and awakened faith in me.  Help my unbelief so that I do not sit and do nothing, but follow where You lead.  Thank You for the grace which I have received.  Lead me to humbly learn as the Holy Spirit guides me in preparation for that day when, at long last, I shall meet You face to face.  Between now and then, may I be found faithfully walking in the grace You have given me.  Amen.

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