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“[A]nd if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his part from the tree of life and from the holy city, which are written in this book” (Revelation 22:10).

The Lord has spoken forth His word so that those who have ears to hear may repent and turn to the Lord while there is time.  Do not hinder another by either adding to or taking away from what the Lord has said.  It is so simple that a child can lead us.  There is right and there is wrong.  Confess the wrong, seek the right, and look to the Lord to lift you up and out of the mess of this age.

Why does it seem so difficult, Lord?  I hear all kinds of things but what I need most often, is encouragement.  Yes, I stumble and fall.  No, I do not stick to my resolutions.  I want to think I can do it on my own, but deep down I know I cannot.  Guide me by Your grace so that I see that what You have said in all of Scripture is really the same message over and over.  There is right.  There is wrong.  We need to be saved, and then we need to be helped to do the right and avoid the wrong.

Lead me, Savior, in the way of everlasting life.  Guide me in Your goodness so that I may live out what is good, right and salutary.  Help me to know that by Your power and under Your authority, I can move forward in living the godly life.  Help me to take seriously, this and all of Your admonitions so that I may live wholly in Your grace, seeking to do what is right always, knowing that I am in Your loving arms. Amen.

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