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“And he said to me, “Do not seal up the words of the prophecy of this book, for the time is near” (Revelation 22:10).

Daniel was told that the words of his prophecy were for a later time.  John is told that these words are for this time.  We have been living in the time where we know who the Savior is.  The outward appearance may be different, but we are the same as the people John served.  Humanity has not progressed.  Apply these words to your life and begin again the journey of becoming mature in Christ.

Lord, it does not matter what I think.  It does matter who I am.  Help me to begin again and realize that these are not cleverly devised myths, created to deceive me.  You have given me the words of truth and You have called me through my baptism to walk the narrow road of faith.  Lead me Lord so that I may open all of the prophetic words of Scripture and see them applied to my life.

Word of Life, Savior of the world, You have opened up my soul by what You have spoken.  Into my soul You have poured the Holy Spirit.  Guide me in the words of prophecy so that I may humbly walk with You, my Lord and Master.  You know all that is needed for me to be conformed to Your image.  Remove the obstacles and lead me in Your goodness all the days I live in this age until I see You face to face.  Amen.

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