Devotion for Sunday, December 17, 2023

“And he measured its wall, 144 cubits, by human measurements, which are also angelic measurements” (Revelation 21:17).

Twelve tribes times twelve apostles.  A gross, the complete number of all.  In the mystery of God communicating with us things that are at the edge, if not beyond our ability to grasp, the Lord tells us so that we may understand.  The number of perfection is the number of completion.  Cutting through all these things and coming to the point, are you one of those who belong to the Lord?

Lord, not in terror or fear as some preach it, but in the reality of simply living with the awesome truth that You are my Lord and God, help me to live in this reality.  You have done all that needs to be done.  You have created everything and who knows but that all of this is for the purpose of giving us the opportunity to be with You?  Lead me, Lord, into the reality that You have set before me with this thing called faith.

Much of what has been accomplished in this world has been done in faith, that first step into the unknown, believing that it is possible.  You, Lord Jesus, through whom and for whom all things have been created, have given me hope that because of all that You have done, there is more than I can imagine set before me.  Guide me into the life You know I should live.  Lead me to understand more each day and grow in Your likeness, according to all that the Father has willed.  Amen.


Devotion for Saturday, December 16, 2023

“The city is laid out as a square, and its length is as great as the width; and he measured the city with the rod, twelve thousand stadia; its length, width, and height are equal? (Revelation 21:16).

In one sense, the size of it does not matter.  The proportions are important.  In this age, we think that one way or school of thought is more important than another.  The Lord is impartial and the ways to the city are equal in His building.  Mind you, there is One Lord and Savior, Christ, but think about how we, on earth, mess this up and think our way is the only right way of thinking or doing.  It is the Lord who prepares the way for each of us, His way is the right way.

Lord, I too have the infection of sectarian thinking.  I think in terms of my way.  But the basic truth is there are only those who follow You and those who will not.  Regardless of the path of life before my sisters and brothers, help me to live the life You have given me and to do so faithfully, showing others the way.  Lead me in Your goodness to know that in You alone do I have hope and a future.  Guide me according to Your goodness to live the way You have called me to live.

Lord, help me learn how to be equitable with others as You are equitable with me.  Help me to be gracious with all whom I meet as You have been gracious to me.  Let equality reign in my heart so that I see others as You see them.  In the breadth, width, and depth of Your kingdom, help me to praise You this day for including me in the number of those whom You have called to live by faith.  Amen.

Devotion for Friday, December 15, 2023

“The one who spoke with me had a gold measuring rod to measure the city, its gates, and its wall” (Revelation 21:15).

What is gold?  It is something that will not tarnish and it is pure.  Measuring the city is with purity and truth.  What is the city of God, but the people who have come through the tribulation of this age and have learned how to live faithfully trusting the Lord.  The Lord has laid before us what He is doing and how He is doing it.  He has called everyone to faithfulness and as many as believe are included in His salvation.

Lord, I need to take care in how I measure things.  I often measure with a skewed bias, not truthfully.  Help me to be pure in my assessments and true to You in my judgements.  Help me to judge others righteously as I would want to be judged.  Let the truth prevail so that there is equity and justice in all matters within my control.  Guide me now and always to look to You, the perfect judge, and to assess according to Your goodness and mercy.

Lord Jesus, as I want leniency when You judge me, so also grant that I would do the same for others.  Yet, when I need Your harsh judgement to keep me on the narrow path, so also grant me the ability to be truthful, yet loving, with others when they also need that kind of correction.  In all things, lead me in the way of true living, being concerned for my neighbor’s welfare as You have always been concerned for mine.  Amen.

Letter from the Director – December 2023


This Christmas season we hear again what the angel said to the shepherds, “Behold, I bring you good news of great joy for all people: To you is born this day in the City of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.”  The fact that God would make an announcement like that to some shepherds helps us understand the true meaning of Christmas.  For no one thought much of shepherds.  Shepherds lived out in the fields – with animals.  Shepherds had no power and no prestige.  And yet God’s messenger-angel came with the greatest of announcements to some shepherds.  

A Savior was born for some shepherds.  The announcement of His birth was first given to shepherds.  What can that mean for us today?  I can think of three things.


The fact that the good news of the birth of Jesus was first given to some shepherds means that no matter how insignificant you may feel and think you are, still you matter to God.  All throughout the Bible we see God’s honoring and blessing and using people whom the world would overlook and ignore.

For example, five thousand men, plus women and children, had stayed all day to listen to Jesus.  At the end of the day they were hungry, but no one had thought to bring any food, except for one young boy who had five small rolls and two small fish.  It was not much, but it was enough.  Jesus took that small amount and from that small amount fed the many.  And God is always doing that, isn’t He?  He takes what we give to Him and then makes it into more than enough.

When God wanted a mother for His Son, He went to a small, insignificant village called Nazareth where he found a young peasant girl.  And when God’s Son was born, He was born not in one of the best of hospitals, surrounded by a team of the best medical professionals.  Rather He was born in a cave.  And then He was wrapped in swaddling cloths and laid in a manger.

And when God made His birth announcement, it was first made to some shepherds.  Jesus said in the Sermon on the Mount, “If God cares about sparrows and lilies, then He certainly cares about you.”  If God values shepherds, then He certainly values you.

And we need to hear that, don’t we?  That God cares about us and values us.  That we matter to God.  People who are lonely and/or depressed during this holiday season need to hear that they matter to God.  People who are spending their first Christmas alone – without a certain loved one – need to hear that they matter to God.

We all need to hear that we matter to God, for we all have known feelings of rejection.  We all have experienced being put down and left out.  But at Christmas time God says, “I made My announcement to some shepherds, and I make My announcement to you.  A Savior is born for you because you matter.”


I can imagine those shepherds sitting around their campfire many nights wondering if their lives mattered and were worth anything.  “What difference does it make,” they might have asked themselves and each other many times, “whether we take care of our sheep or not?”

And maybe you also wonder, “What difference does it make whether I get up in the morning and go to work every day and/or do the things I do every day?”  Do you feel like your life is just one endless cycle of things that really do not matter?  Do you wonder whether your life is really worth living?

But when God comes and makes His announcement to some shepherds, He is also saying to you, “Life matters; your life matters; your life is My gift to you.”  Therefore, live every moment of it to the fullest.  Your life does matter to God.

And every life matters to God.  It is impossible to live – even for a few moments on this earth – and not influence somebody in one way or another.  We are all always influencing somebody – either for good or for bad. 

Life matters.  Your life matters.  Lives of kings and lives of shepherds all matter.  We all matter and are important to God.


I believe that these shepherds were men of faith.  In fact, I believe that they had a deeper faith than many of the religious leaders of the day who went to the synagogue or to the Temple every day.  I believe that these shepherds believed in and were looking forward to the coming of the Messiah. 

When things got especially tough.  During times of poverty, enslavement, trial, and exile, I believe that these shepherds, along with many others in Israel, would think about the Messiah and would remember God’s promise that some day the Messiah would come.

And so they would pray over and over again, “God, may the Messiah come, and may he come today.”  They prayed that prayer for hundreds of years.  And many times they must have wondered, “Is our faith really worth anything?  Does God really hear our prayers?  Does God remember and keep His promises?  Is the Messiah ever going to come?”

Down through the years there must have been some who quit praying, who quit believing.  But when the announcement of the angels came to some shepherds, God was saying, “Faith matters.  Your faith is not in vain.  I am a God who hears and remembers and keeps His promises.  And now the Messiah has come.  I have kept My promise.”

And how about us?  Sometimes we grow weary.  Sometimes we wonder if it is worth it to go to church and to work so hard in the work of the church.  Especially when so many others, including many members of our own family and many of our friends and neighbors, do not go to and are not involved in church.

But then we think of the faith of the shepherds, and the faith of so many others of God’s people down through the ages and at the time of Jesus’ birth, and with them we say, “Amen, come, Lord Jesus.”

Yes, you matter, life matters, and faith matters.  The announcement of the angels tells us that, like the shepherds, we are important to God.  Hark, can you hear the angels sing? 

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Many thanks to ELCA pastor Kevin Haug for his review of Justin Brierley’s book, “The Surprising Rebirth of Belief in God.”  Every day we are reminded of all of the chaos in our world and of the total inability of the human race to live in peace, so this video is a most needed and appropriate review for December, when we celebrate the birth of the Prince of Peace.  A link to Kevin’s video can be found HEREA link to our YouTube channel, which contains nearly four dozen videos, can be found HERE.

 Kevin writes – Host of the Unbelievable podcast on YouTube, Justin has noticed a change in those whom he invites on his show.  Very few militant atheists engage anymore, and they have been replaced with atheist/agnostics who are very sympathetic towards the Christian faith.  Not only that, many of them argue that the Christian worldview provides the basic foundation for Western Civilization.  Some have even converted to the Christian faith. These include scientists, artists, journalists, and scholars.  Brierley wonders if the outgoing tide of Christianity is about to change – that people will start returning to the church because it has the capability to provide what secular culture cannot: meaning, purpose, and a comprehensive view of reality.  Brierley ends with some pertinent advice for the church.

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May the Lord bless you with His hope, love, peace, and joy during this Christmas season.

Dennis D. Nelson

Executive Director of Lutheran CORE


Devotion for Thursday, December 14, 2023

“And the wall of the city had twelve foundation stones, and on them were the twelve names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb” (Revelation 21:14).

The Lord is deliberate about what He does.  He called each of the apostles by name.  The twelfth was replaced.  Twelve names, representing all people.  We are not all the same.  Similar in our humanity, unique in our character and abilities, yet all one in Christ.  Let the unity and diversity be true, as far as it concerns you in the fellowship of which you are a part.  The foundation of the church are the people who are the bride of Christ.

Lord, I often become so wrapped up in the physicality of things that I forget that the church is the people.  What difference does it make whether it is a big, beautiful building or a warehouse?  You are gathering from amongst all people those who are Yours.  Help me to be connected in the foundation of Your church.  Help me to be a part of where You have placed me and guide me on the narrow path of faith.

Lord Jesus, through the water of repentance and in the promise of my baptism, You have called me to be faithful.  I am who I am and You are making me to be a child of the Heavenly Father.  Lead me, Lord, in the way of everlasting life and remove all hindrances.  I am a part of where You have placed me.  Help me to be consistent and true to the life that You have called me to live.  Guide me in the way of everlasting life.  Amen.

Devotion for Wednesday, December 13, 2023

“There were three gates on the east, three gates on the north, three gates on the south, and three gates on the west” (Revelation 21:13).

From every direction come those who look to the Lord and are walking in hope of His promises.  Do not think yourself special, nor a part of an elite group.  The Lord can raise children to Abraham out of stones.  Instead, marvel that the Lord has reached through time and space to call out those who are His.  Marvel that He has called You and is preparing You to be with Him forever.

Lord, there are many things that often go through my mind and I forget to simply stop and thank You for Your goodness, grace, and mercy.  Guide me, Lord, so that I may humbly walk the path You have set before me.  Let me see that from every direction in my life You are always at work.  Lead all of those who are faithful so that together we may all gather around You, the Lord and Savior of all.

Lord Jesus, You have said it over and over, “Come to me.”  It cannot be said any easier than that.  Help me to come to You knowing that from every direction, every tribe, tongue, folk, and nation there will be those who come to You.  Knit us together as Your bride and help me to have eyes to see others with whom I will spend eternity.  Help me to see them through Your loving eyes.  Amen.

Devotion for Tuesday, December 12, 2023

“It had a great and high wall, with twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels; and names were written on the gates, which are the names of the twelve tribes of the sons of Israel” (Revelation 21:12).

The twelve tribes, twelve apostles, and twelve months are some of the things that remind us that the Lord is going to include from every tribe, tongue, and nation those who are His.  He has created everyone with the ability to become like Christ, but only some will follow that path.  This is the mystery of the age.  Why is it that some remain with the wicked one and reject the Lord, while others willingly come into His grace and mercy?

The Lord knows those who are His.  The Lord has prepared the gates by which those who are His may enter.  He is the true gate, and there are folk from all over who will come as they are called.  The Lord has prevailed and those who are under the wing of His grace are being prepared to dwell with the Lord forever.  You have been given the invitation through your baptism.  Will you come and enter?

Lord Jesus, I make things more complex than they need to be.  Over and over, You have shown me the gate that lets me leave the wickedness of this age and join with You.  It is not a physical place now, but it does grant hope for the age to come as my heart is changed by Your grace and mercy.  Continue to minister to my heart so that I may progress on the journey You have set before me.  Continue to prepare me for the heavenly Jerusalem.  Amen.

Devotion for Monday, December 11, 2023

“And he carried me away in the Spirit to a great and high mountain, and showed me the holy city, Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, having the glory of God. Her brilliance was like a very valuable stone, like a stone of crystal-clear jasper” (Revelation 21:10-11).

How does one describe what is indescribable?  Word pictures are used to describe beauty but take care lest you read into this more than is here.  The Lord has prepared something that is more beautiful than we are able to comprehend.  We are invited into the new city as members of the body of Christ and to live the new life which is free from the wickedness of this age.  This is what we are to hope for in our life with Christ.

Lord, there are things I cannot imagine and I do not know why not knowing things keeps me from moving forward.  You have held out before us things that are beyond our ability to comprehend.  Lead me to understand that I am hoping in You.  You have given the words of eternal life and in You is hope and an eternal future.  Lead me to look to You always, knowing that Your promises are true.

Lord Jesus, You have come humbly so that we might live faithfully.  I may not even suspect all the things that You are going to do, but You are preparing us for things we cannot yet imagine.  Guide me today to humbly live the life You have given me, simply knowing that in You is hope and an eternal future.  Lead me all the days of my life to do what You would have me do.  Keep me in the faith You give now and forever.  Amen.

Devotion for Sunday, December 10, 2023

“Then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls, full of the seven last plagues, came and spoke with me, saying, “Come here, I will show you the bride, the wife of the Lamb” (Revelation 21:9).

Seven is the Hebrew number for spiritual perfection.  The purpose of the plagues is to bring about repentance.  We must never forget that the Lord desires that none would perish.  The objective is to bring about repentance, first in us, then if we can influence them, in others.  We are to repent and be thankful that our Lord is slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.

Lord, does the journey truly begin with repentance?  Regardless, help me to repent where repentance is needed.  Help me turn from going the wrong direction so that I may move in the right direction.  You are the author and finisher of the faith of all the faithful.  Lead me and us always so that we may walk the narrow way of salvation.

Lord Jesus, You began Your earthy ministry with the baptism of repentance.  You, who did not need it, underwent immersion for our sake.  Guide me to where I need to repent and then help me repent.  Lead me such that where I need to move, I move.  In all things, O Lord, help me so that I can walk this life of faith that You have given me by grace.  Our Father, lead me not into temptation, but deliver me from evil.  Lead me until I am complete even as You are complete.  Amen.


Devotion for Saturday, December 9, 2023

“But for the cowardly, and unbelieving, and abominable, and murderers, and sexually immoral persons, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, their part will be in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death” (Revelation 21:8).

For those who have abandoned themselves to a sinful lifestyle, it is destruction.  This is not about being puritanical, for each of us is guilty of every one of these things — the one who denies it, most of all.  Those who will not receive the hope that is in salvation and try to find solace in whatever pleasure they think they may derive from hating others, sex, drugs, and living willingly in the anxieties of this age, they are the ones who remain in their sin.

Lord, I do not even know how much I sin.  That cannot be the marker.  What I see in this litany is one who is hostile to You and all that You have proclaimed.  We all lie.  That is the truth, but faithfulness begins with confession and then repentance, which is turning away from what is wrong.  Then it is a matter of living for You and others and not for the self.  I can see these things and sometimes I even willing do what You ask.

Lord Jesus, this list frightens me.  The one that really gets me is the part about liars.  We all lie to ourselves saying, “I’m not that bad.”  All are worthy of death, but obviously, not everyone goes to the second death.  Help me to take this warning seriously and follow in the way You have set before me.  Guide me into all righteousness so that I may humbly walk with You, my Savior and God.  Amen.