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“I saw no temple in it, for the Lord God the Almighty and the Lamb are its temple” (Revelation 21:22).

“Be Ye holy, even as God is Holy.”  This is not an impossible ideal, but what Christ will accomplish in you.  When He told us to be perfect as the Father is perfect, He was telling us what He would accomplish through our salvation.  No longer will holy be something over there, but the reality of who we are in a living and sanctified relationship with the Lord.  We will tabernacle together, abiding one in the other for eternity.

I am barely able to comprehend these things, Lord.  Rather than focusing on just a part of this, help me to take seriously the reality that You will make me perfect, this is, complete.  Although I may not fully understand what this means, I can begin with the morality You teach in the Ten Commandments.  I haven’t perfected that yet.  Whatever direction is needed toward this goal You  provide by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Lord Jesus, You must be the One who authors and finishes my faith.  Not only do I not know where to begin, I do not even know the steps along the way.  There are places I think are fine and they are not.  There are things I am working on which are only distractions from what needs to be done.  Teach me to tabernacle with You Lord and then lead me in the direction I need to go.  Help me to become more like You each day.  Amen.

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