Mission Under Accompaniment

Director’s Note: Spencer Wentland is uniquely qualified to write this article analyzing the ELCA’s concept of global mission as accompaniment rather than evangelism – as responding to requests for help from indigenous churches rather than being concerned to share the message of Jesus with unreached peoples.  Spencer is a member of our young adult group, which meets via zoom about once a month for fellowship and support.  He is passionate about reaching people who do not know Jesus.  He has much international experience, including studying and serving in a discipleship community in Denmark.  He has served as an ELCA lay missionary in Japan and has written on the theology of global mission of different Christian groups. 

The ELCA defines accompaniment as “…walking together in a solidarity that practices interdependence and mutuality[*] (Global Mission, emphasis in original). Although often portrayed as a biblical theology coming out of the disciples’ encounter with Jesus on the road to Emmaus, it is strongly influenced by and rooted in liberation theology[†]. My immediate concern with it, as a heuristic to the what and where of mission, is that it is antithetical to the Pauline priority on unreached places.

The Apostle Paul emphasized not building on another’s foundation but to establish the Church where it does not exist. Combined with Jesus’ teaching that the Gospel must be preached in all nations (Gk. ethnos, often understood as ethno-linguistic people groups by many missiologists) and then the end will come, there has been a strong emphasis on sending missionaries to work amongst unreached and unengaged people groups[‡].

While working as an ELCA missionary, I heard about experienced mission personnel being sent home while the Japanese Evangelical Lutheran Church was told how they were going to become less dependent on the ELCA. In the name of being post-colonial, it was an ironically patronizing execution of implementing an accompaniment model.

Accompaniment is actually very good in shaping how we do mission. We should not ignore the presence and work of indigenous Lutherans. If consistent with the values of accompaniment, it’s a good way to think about working together in the larger context of God’s mission. It reminds us that the task of mission must be informed by the catholicity of the Church as well as its apostolic nature. It also informs us to do mission in the pattern and practice of Christ himself who is Immanuel.

The problems with accompaniment are when it determines what the content of mission is and where it is done. When applied to the what of mission, it frames the whole task into a ministry of presence. This collapses into the problem that when everything is mission, nothing is mission. The primary task of establishing the Church in unreached places, making disciples and evangelical mission is diminished into almost oblivion by tasks being determined by the partner denomination. True accompaniment would involve both churches determining the content of mission work in the light of both Scripture and context. Working together is key, not completely abrogating task criteria to the partner church.

The ELCA’s requirement that pre-existing Lutheran churches request the ELCA to send missionaries (an effort in being post-colonial) assures that no missionaries will ever be sent to unengaged people groups. The Japanese are the second largest unreached people group, so there is an odd and good anomaly that work is going on there. During my missionary orientation, I asked if someone had a vision like Paul of a man from Macedonia, saying come here, would that qualify a call (Acts 16)? Is the Holy Spirit leading with the Word, or are we reducing the idea of being spirit-led to a democratized principle of the external call coming through partner churches?

In conclusion, accompaniment is a mixed bag. It’s great for the how of mission, and it is a true gift. However, it needs to be understood in the larger context of the ELCA’s constitution and statement of faith, including its responsibility to work for the fulfillment of the Great Commission. To do this, the primary tasks need to be strategic partnership for the purposes of mission development/evangelical mission and a willingness to send people to places where no Christians, let alone Lutherans, exist.

Photograph courtesy of Spencer Wentland; it is of a protestant church in Okinawa.

[*] “Global Mission.” Elca.Org. Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Accessed November 5, 2023. https://www.elca.org/Our-Work/Global-Mission.

[†] ORDÓÑEZ, CLAUDIA. “Public Health Needs Liberation Theology.” Aquinas Emory Thinks. Aquinas Center at Candler School of Theology, February 15, 2021. https://aquinasemorythinks.com/public-health-needs-liberation-theology/.

[‡] Unreached: relative to the population living near a gospel witness. Imagine an American city of about 250,000 people and if there is only about three or four churches of twenty people and no youth groups. Unengaged: has any effort been made by Christians to bring the Gospel and make disciples among this particular people group?

Call to Prayer

Please join me in praying for Elizabeth Eaton, presiding bishop of the ELCA.  A recent news release from the ELCA reported that her request had been approved by the Church Council Executive Committee for a four to six month leave of absence effective November 17.  I strongly disagree with so many ways in which she is leading the ELCA, but I still recognize her as a sister in Christ and a very capable (though misguided and misguiding) leader in the church.

I wish the news release had said more and I am surprised that they did not say more.  But I can only imagine the kind of stress she has been under.  Any one of us would have become physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausted because of all the issues in the ELCA. 

I also realize that hers is a situation that she helped create.  She feels the need to address multiple political and global issues rather than mind her own store.  For years – also before Elizabeth Eaton became presiding bishop – the ELCA has enabled, encouraged, and empowered disruptive forces that would be more than happy to tear the organization down.  The ELCA has been like parents who raised an out-of-control child who are now dealing with an out-of-control young adult who would be more than happy to destroy the family business and burn the house down.  And with the ELCA’s prime emphasis being dismantling systemic racism, which is not the main mission of the church, she is leading an organization that is seeking to solve enormous problems with merely human resources. 

I think of times in my own ministry when I ran into – or was run into by – a crisis.  Often the crisis happened because of the actions of others.  But I know that sometimes I contributed to the crisis – through such things as an unwise response or poor judgment.  Looking back I realize that often it was during those times of crisis that I learned and grew the most – that I realized that I needed to do things differently.

I think of what the apostle Paul wrote in Galatians 1: 17.  After meeting Jesus on the road to Damascus, he “went away at once into Arabia.”  Because there are fewer distractions in the desert, the desert is a great place to face yourself and really think through what you have been doing.  I see Paul going out into the desert to try to figure out how he could have been so wrong about Jesus.

I pray for rest, renewal, and rejuvenation for Bishop Eaton.  But I also pray that she will think through and come to terms with why it was that leading the ELCA is so stressful and what she now needs to do differently. 

With pastoral concern,

Dennis D. Nelson

Executive Director of Lutheran CORE

Devotion for Wednesday, November 15, 2023

“And on His robe and on His thigh He has a name written: “KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS” (Revelation 19:16).

Who is this that we are dealing with?  We are not talking about the gentle Savior we often see portrayed in pictures.  All the power this world has displayed is as nothing compared to God.  The power of the universe in its expanse is nothing.  All the tyrants and leaders of the world put together are nothing.  The Lord God Almighty, Creator all things is the Lord of all lords and the King of all kings.

Lord, You are!  You have always been.  We and everything around us exist because You spoke existence into being and You sustain it by Your Word.  You have given the only hope anyone can have through Your Word.  You speak both grace and judgement.  You are Sovereign and it shall be as You have determined it to be.  Open the eyes of those who have not yet seen to see the truth of all eternity.

Lord Jesus, You have taught me to pray.  Lead my prayers to the Father through Your Name in the Holy Spirit.  Guide me to live in the will of the Father and not my own.  Help me live in the reality that the power, glory, and kingdom are Yours now and forever.  Help me to learn humility and walk according to the goodness of Your grace and mercy.  Lead me, Lord and Savior, now and forever.  Amen.

Devotion for Tuesday, November 14,

“From His mouth comes a sharp sword, so that with it He may strike down the nations, and He will rule them with a rod of iron; and He treads the wine press of the fierce wrath of God, the Almighty” (Revelation 19:15).

The Word of the Lord is a mighty two-edged sword.  The power of the Almighty is what has brought all things into existence.  Heaven and earth shall pass away, but His word endures forever.  His Word will suppress our sins and produce what is right and good.  His Word will suppress our pride and condemn what is wrong and evil.  The Lord is Sovereign, doubt it not, and His dominion is forever.

Lord, there is no quibbling with You.  There is no wiggle room.  You have spoken plainly, and we humans are the ones who try to justify ourselves and wiggle our way out of situations.  Open the eyes of the blind and unstop the ears of the deaf so that the simple truth of Your Gospel may be known.  Only in You, who was, is, and is to come, is there eternal authority and power.  It is Yours alone.

Lord Jesus, I encounter the gentle Savior in the Gospels.  But You are also the Eternal Sovereign in whom resides all power and authority.  Guide me this day, Lord and Master, so that I may humbly obey You, the author and finisher of my faith.  You know where I need to go and what I need to do.  Guide me by the Your Holy Spirit to walk as You lead me this day.  Amen.

Devotion for Monday, November 13, 2023

“And the armies which are in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, were following Him on white horses” (Revelation 19:14).

Those whose robes have been dipped in the blood of the lamb join with our Lord.  Who are they that are with the Lord when He comes?  The saints of the Lord, who have been made sisters and brothers of the Lord, children of the Heavenly Father, join with Him to usher in the eternal reign.  Though your garments be stained with sin, He will wash them white as snow.  Will you be with the Lord in His kingdom?

This is the real question that is before us all.  We are called through our baptism to join with the Lord.  To join with Him, we must take up our cross and symbolically die with Him.  He then resurrects us in a new life.  This life is the life of sanctification we live walking the narrow road.  None of this is new.  This is what has been taught you since the first time you heard the Gospel.  Are you walking with the Lord toward that day when He ushers in His eternal kingdom?

Lord, You know where I am and the state of my heart.  You are the Savior, so it is not a matter of what I have or have not done.  But, do help me to take seriously this call You have given me through my own baptism to walk humbly with You, my Lord and Maker.  You know where I need to go today.  You know all that is needed.  Lead me Lord in the way I need to go and strengthen me to walk with You.  Amen.

Devotion for Sunday, November 12, 2023

“He is clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God” (Revelation 19:13).

The Word made flesh, our Savior, Christ Jesus: in Him is life and light.  By His blood we are healed.  His robes are scarlet with His blood, shed for us, but also, white in His purity.  The Word made flesh dwells in and amongst us.  Some await His coming, but the faithful know that He is already here.  Come into His presence and do not just wait for eternity, but live knowing that eternity has already come through Your calling to abide in Him as He abides in You.

Lord, open my eyes to see and my mind to understand that You are with me already.  Guide me in that goodness and mercy which You have already given me so that I abide in You as You abide with me in the power of the Holy Spirit.  Lead me, Lord.  You know what I need, and I thank You that You have provided all that is needed.  May I receive You into me this and every day and walk as You lead.

Word made flesh who has breathed the Holy Spirit upon me, guide me this day to do those things which are pleasing in Your sight.  Grant that I would be attentive to Your direction and live out Your commands this day.  Thank You for calling me into Your eternal presence.  May I walk the narrow way of living out the purpose for which I have been called by grace  through faith.  Amen.

Devotion for Saturday, November 11, 2023

“His eyes are a flame of fire, and on His head are many crowns; and He has a name written on Him which no one knows except Himself” (Revelation 19:12).

It is interesting that many of the entertainment renditions of Jesus show a timid, weak, effeminate blond, blue-eyed, long-haired guy.  I often wonder who that is.  The Lord I have come to know is serious, eyes blazing.  He was a carpenter, so He is no weakling.  He is above all, so we dare not make Him so ordinary and simple.  Accessible, yes, but still Lord of lords, and King of kings.

Lord, let me not fall into the trap of just thinking about You as some cosmic nice guy.  You are the Lord of all creation.  In You alone is the hope of all people.  Lead me in the way of everlasting life so that I may humbly walk in the new life that You alone give.  Guide me according to Your purpose so that I may learn from You how to be faithful.  You are the all-in-all for each one of us.

Lord Jesus, You came the first time humbly.  When You come to usher in Your kingdom, it will be in the fullness of Your power and authority.  Lead me, Lord, to live toward that day.  Help me to not accept the world’s characterization of You, but instead to live knowing that all power and authority are in Your hands.  Guide me today to walk faithfully with You.  Guide me to anticipate with joy the great and terrible day when I stand before You face to face.  Amen.

Devotion for Friday, November 10, 2023

“And I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse, and He who sat on it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and wages war” (Revelation 19:11).

Can we even begin to comprehend the purity of Christ?  He who Was, Is, and Is to come is the One who saves.  He rides in and will, quite literally, sweep us up and away from this world of wickedness into the world to come.  Too often, we do not understand His call to purity.  Too often we think a little religion is all that we need.  We need Him wholly.  We need Him to save us.

Lord, I live my life day by day as it is doled out in time.  I have my moments and what I do with them is what I do with them.  Too often, they do not include You.  Help me to refocus my life so that I live knowing Your presence always.  Help me to adopt the attitude that You truly are the Author and Finisher of my faith.  Help me to give my life to You so that You can remake it as You know it needs to be remade.

Lord Jesus, I come again to You, the pure and holy One, so that I may walk in the salvation You have purchased from the cross.  Guide me this day, dear Lord, so that I may humbly walk in Your provision.  Lead me in Your goodness to do those things You give me to do so that when the day comes that You ride on Your white horse, I look to You with hope and not dread.  Teach me how to be faithful, Lord.  Amen.

Devotion for Thursday, November 9, 2023

“Then I fell at his feet to worship him. But he said to me, “Do not do that; I am a fellow servant of yours and your brothers and sisters who hold the testimony of Jesus; worship God! For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy” (Revelation 19:10).

There is only One who is worthy of worship and praise.  Why do we look up to fellow human beings or angels?  Respect them, but don’t revere them.  Only the Triune Lord is to be praised.  Yes, there are times when we are overwhelmed.  Yes, there are times when we are in awe of another, but the Lord alone is worthy of our praise.  You are my brother, my sister, in Christ.  Love one another as the Lord commands but worship Him alone.

Lord, I am guilty of revering others.  I see all around me a culture of people who “worship” celebrities and hang on their every word.  Guide me to look to You alone as the One who is worthy of all honor and praise.  You alone are God.  You are the One who created all things.  You alone are the One through whom all things have their being.  You alone are the One who saves. You alone are worthy of worship.

Lord Jesus, I know these things, but the corruption of my heart tugs at me and causes me to move in other directions.  I know You have come to save me, so lead me away from sinful behavior when praise due to You alone is given to another.  Forgive me and help me to repent and move in the right direction.  Guide me to love my neighbor as I learn how to also truly love You.  Lead me into faithfulness this day, O Lord.  Amen.

Devotion for Wednesday, November 8, 2023

“Then he said to me, “Write: ‘Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding feast of the Lamb.’” And he said to me, “These are the true words of God” (Revelation 19:9).

Do you treat the invitation you have been given in your baptism as a blessing?  Do you cherish what the Lord has done for You?  Blessed are they who have been invited and come to the wedding feast of the Lamb.  The Lord died so that you could come.  Do not underestimate the gift the Lord has purchased for you.  The whole of creation hinges on the simple truth that the Lord wants you to be with Him forever.

Lord, I do not understand the times and seasons.  There are so many things that go on around me that distract me.  Guide me, Lord, so that I live the life You have given me knowing that I have been given a great privilege by Your grace.  Lead me to understand these things so that my life is truly changed.  Hold me up to have the hope of eternity in my heart.

Lord Jesus, with Your own blood, You purchased for me a new life.  You have invited me to join You in the marriage feast.  Let my garments be radiantly white.  Let my attitude be one of praise and thanksgiving.  Lead me in all my ways this day to praise You Whose work alone endures forever.  Guide me, Jesus, in the way You know I need to go.  Empower me to take those steps needed to be a child of God. Amen.