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December 31, 2023: 1st Sunday after Christmas (White or gold)


Isaiah 61:10—62:3 (I will exult in God, who has clothed me with salvation;

Zion will shine with the vindication of God, and all nations will see it!)

Psalm 111 (God has sent redemption; the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom)

                (ELW: Psalm 148)

Galatians 4:4-7 (God sent his Son under the law, adopts us as children so we may say Abba)

Luke 2:22-40 (The Holy Family in the temple)

Opening hymn: Good Christian Friends, Rejoice: LBW #55, ELW #288

OR LSB #386, Now Sing We, Now Rejoice: (same tune as above, different lyrics)

OR O Sing of Christ: LSB #362 (easy English folk tune)

OR Cold December Flies Away: LBW #53, ELW #299

Hymn of Praise: Let All Together Praise Our God: LBW #47, ELW #287, LSB #389

Hymn of the Day: In His Temple Now Behold Him: LBW #184, ELW #417, LSB #519 (if LBW tune is unfamiliar sing this to Regent Square, #50, Angels from the Realms of Glory, which is the tune ELW uses. The LSB tune, “Westminster,” is a wonderful English melody used in WOV for “Christ is Made the Sure Foundation.” 3 nice choices.)     

Communion Hymn #1: What Child is This: LBW #40, LSB #370, ELW #296

Communion Hymn #2: Infant Holy, Infant Lowly: LBW #44, ELW #276, LSB #393

Closing Hymn: O Lord, Now Let Your Servant: LBW #339, ELW #313

OR Lord, Bid Your Servant Go In Peace: LSB #937

OR my hymn paraphrase of the Nunc Dimitis

(can be sung to “The Bells of Christmas Chime Once More” or to “From Heaven Above to Earth I Come”)

Lord, let your servant go in peace, your faithful Word you have fulfilled.

This Word made flesh I now embrace: the sure salvation you have willed!


With my own eyes I see the lamp of glory giv’n to Israel,

The light for nations lost; the peace that makes your wounded people well.


Glory and praise, blest Trinity, dear Father, Holy Spirit, Son,

Your light no darkness overtakes, while endless ages ever run!



The Prayers


O come, let us adore Christ our Lord, and kneel before him with our prayers and supplications.


A brief silence

Father, we praise you for your Word made flesh, Jesus Christ our Savior. Let Jesus fill us with grace and truth, so that our joy may be complete.



Provide the Church with pastors, bishops, and theologians who teach and admonish your people in all wisdom. *17By the gift of your Spirit, let the Church’s every word and deed be in the name of the Lord Jesus, to your glory and for the good of all whom he came to save.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

We pray for those who are persecuted for Jesus’ sake. They are your chosen ones, holy and beloved. Adorn them with compassion, meekness, and patience. Let the peace of Christ rule their hearts, so that their tormentors repent, and flee to the Savior for forgiveness.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Make this congregation a company of the upright. Help us to proclaim your mighty works of salvation. 2Bind Bind us together in love and peace. Let our lives display your redeeming power. Use us to draw our neighbors, friends, and families to faith in your dear Son.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Bless grandparents, parents, and all who share with our children the joy of knowing you. Let them cradle little ones in your love and goodness.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Give our earthly leaders the holy fear that is the beginning of wisdom. Help them to study your works and perform your precepts. Let faithfulness and uprightness, graciousness and mercy, guide those who take counsel for the nations. Bestow upon all peoples the blessings of food, shelter, health, honest work, justice, and peace.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.


Angels proclaimed peace and good will at Jesus’ birth. But many evils still trouble us. Shield and guide all who risk their lives on behalf of others. Prosper all they do that conforms to your will. Give their loved ones hope and patience. Bring healing and comfort to the wounded, and redemption to the fallen. Establish your peace among us all, so weapons of war may be shaped into instruments of your peace.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Be gracious and merciful to all whose lives are shadowed by suffering in this season of light, including: {List}. Let them see your salvation,31 dwell in your love, and glorify you, surrounded by all who love them.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Dear Father, you have bestowed on our beloved dead the fullness of your salvation, and we commend them into your care. While we walk the pilgrim-path of life, let your dear Son’s Spirit dwell in us richly, filling us with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. For these are the gifts of Christmas that shall last forever.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.


Receive our prayers, dear Father, for the sake of your dear Son, our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.

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