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“And the armies which are in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, were following Him on white horses” (Revelation 19:14).

Those whose robes have been dipped in the blood of the lamb join with our Lord.  Who are they that are with the Lord when He comes?  The saints of the Lord, who have been made sisters and brothers of the Lord, children of the Heavenly Father, join with Him to usher in the eternal reign.  Though your garments be stained with sin, He will wash them white as snow.  Will you be with the Lord in His kingdom?

This is the real question that is before us all.  We are called through our baptism to join with the Lord.  To join with Him, we must take up our cross and symbolically die with Him.  He then resurrects us in a new life.  This life is the life of sanctification we live walking the narrow road.  None of this is new.  This is what has been taught you since the first time you heard the Gospel.  Are you walking with the Lord toward that day when He ushers in His eternal kingdom?

Lord, You know where I am and the state of my heart.  You are the Savior, so it is not a matter of what I have or have not done.  But, do help me to take seriously this call You have given me through my own baptism to walk humbly with You, my Lord and Maker.  You know where I need to go today.  You know all that is needed.  Lead me Lord in the way I need to go and strengthen me to walk with You.  Amen.

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